Closing date for bids
6 June 2023, at 20:00 hrs. Israel time
Postal Address: P.O.B.16218, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Telephone: (+++) 972-3-522 6294
Fax : (+++) 972-3-524 5088
Closing date 6 JUNE 2023 - 20:00 Israel time
Featuring Specialized sections of: Jewish Colonies mail, Foreign and Turkish Posts , Palestine stamps, 1948 Interim, Doar Ivri and culminating with a section of fine Palestine and Israel Banknotes
Closing date for bids
6 June 2023, at 20:00 hrs. Israel time
Postal Address: P.O.B.16218, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Telephone: (+++) 972-3-522 6294
Fax : (+++) 972-3-524 5088
מועד אחרון למסירת ההצעות
6 ביוני 2023, שעה 20:00
כתובת למשלוח הצעות: ת.ד. 16218, תל-אביב
טלפון: 03-5226294
Dear friends and collectors,
Welcome to our 52nd auction. The results of our 51st auction, which can be viewed on our website were excellent and show a stable market eager for better items in most specialties.
This is our last auction. During the past 33 years we have dealt with hundreds of vendors and serviced thousands of bidders worldwide. We thank all for the full trust they have given us.
We are also very proud of helping build many collections, some of which reached the highest levels in international shows.
It is with great sorrow that we remember the untimely demise of Zvi Aloni z.l.
Zvi died on September 10 2022, at the age of 74, after a short cancer illness.
He will be greatly missed by his family and many friends.
May he rest in peace.
This auction is highlighted by 2 Large Gold Medals collections: Holyland Forerunners (incl. Colonies) part 2 and 1948 Doar Ivri.
Other specialties are well represented culminating with a fine section of banknotes.
With all good and sincere wishes,
Yacov Tsachor
Yacov Tsachor, Civil Eng., lives in Tel Aviv, Israel. Expert since 1984. A.I.E.P. member since 1993 and F.I.P. juror since 1998. Recognized by the Israeli Philatelic Federation as en Expert for all Holy Land areas.
His collections of Doar Ivri stamps and postal history have been exhibited at 5 F.I.P. exhibitions. Published the book "The Doar Ivri Issue of Israel" 1985 and numerous articles in philatelic publications. and was the editor of the Israeli Philatelic Service catalogue during 1980-2008.