1930's HARAND (Movement Against Race Hatred....) a) Full sheet of 18 (Rare) English text 6 diff. x3 rows Brown - Violet labels, Anti-Nazi pre-WWII Vienna; b) Vertical Strip of 6 diff in German; c) 5 diff. labels: 1 English (a pair), 2 in German, 1 in French & 1 in Polish; unmounted mint, vf (x30 labels), scarce
Dear friends and collectors,
Welcome to our 49th auction, the 2nd that we are holding during the Covid-19 Era. We hope that the current sale will also arouse the great interest and attention as the previous auction.
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Many more images are shown on the website, these could not be included in the hard copy.
This auction offers a large Doar Ivri Collection with many Rarities and an important Judaica Labels Collection seldom offered.
Most other specialties are represented including Turkish Forerunners, Palestine Stamps, 1948 Interim, 1st P. Dues, 1948 1st Festivals, Judaica – Revisionist Movement & labels.
Please FAX or E-mail your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX, or E-mail & telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets.
With all good and sincere wishes,
16 FEBRUARY 2021
20:00 PM (Israel Time)
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Table of Contents
1914/1946 - Antisemitic, Nazi Propaganda & Help the Victims - 77 labels, tags & receipts incl 1907 ppc mailed in Germany w/Antisemitic label by Fichte, 9/1933 Paris cv front to TLV w/French Anti Nazi label, 1943 TLV Comm. for Polish Jew. Victims, Nazi "Kauft Nicht ..." labels, USA 'Boycott Nazi Goods", Dutch "Break the Fascism", 1943 Polish Boycott..., 1945 Romania - Satu-Mare, Nazi Anti-Jew. MDs labels, Churchill "Join the Army" & Palestine 1940 - 3 labels: Join the Army. Also WWI 1914 & 1917 for the welfare of the Suffering Jews; f-vf (x77 items) scarce
1945/46 - Dachau - Allach Polish Red Cross Committee - Fischer cat. Blocks 1/5. 34 perforated and imperforated souvenir sheets of 1 (x7), 4 (x4) & 6 (x23) stps, printed on white or creamy watermarked or unwatermarked paper, 2 sheets with missing Cross embossing, 3 - with inverted top left stamp, etc., in addition, 10 mint stamps, one block on cv & 1 block of 8 stps of Freiman 29.4.1946; some duplication, no gum as produced, mainly NH, vf and a scarce group (x38 items)
WW2 Propaganda Forgeries for GB - the set of 6 stps KGVI ½ -3d (Mi 3/8) + KGVI & Stalin on 1 ½d (Mi 2); unmounted mint w/o gum as issued, vf (x7)
P.O.B. 506 Lisbon - the undercover address opened by the forwarding firm Thomas Cook & Sons in neutral Portugal for mail from occupied countries to be delivered to free countries. 13.1.1941 cv ex Anvers (Belgium) to Lewis Levi, Nazi & GB censors, Thomas Cook label affixed at their London office tied by their large oval cachet on 27 FEB 1941. The final address was included w/the contents. Frank 2½d KGVI stp perfined "TCS" (Thomas Cook & Sons) on 27 FEB 1941 mailed in London; vf & scarce
ditto, P.O.B. 506 Lisbon - 16.9.1942 air mail cv ex Perugia (Italy) to Dr. Fargion, Italian & GB censors, Thomas Cook label affixed at their London office tied by their large oval cachet on 9 NOV 1942. The final address in London was included w/the contents. Frank 2½d KGVI stp perfined "TCS" (Thomas Cook & Sons) on 9 NOV 1942 mailed in London; f-vf & scarce
Nansenausweis (Certificat Nansen - issued for Stateless Refugees) 25 July 1938 by the Leipzig Police issued for Lowe Merkin valid for a 1-year, refugee from Sklow - Russia. He received a Hungarian Visa at the embassy & left for Budapest. The inner 2 pages reveal his voyage. A visa for the UK at the Consulate in Budapest, an Italian Visa for 1 voyage from the Consulate in Budapest - Como visiting, Swiss Visa at the Budapest Consulate - Chiasso visiting, Croatian Visa - Rahek & Kotoriba visiting, a Checz. Visa traveling to Szob, the latest date is 27 APR 1939 cachet of the Immigration Office Croydon (a UK airport) & the next day at the Aliens Registration Office; reinforced w/cello-tape, unusual doc.
Australian Camps Jewish Internees - 5 items: a) Camp Hay (Comdt. cachet on face) cv frank Kuala 4d tied by Sydney pmk airmailed to the Soc. of Friends Sydney; Tatura Camps: b) 4/1941 air mail pc Camp 8 Eastern Command to London, frank Australian 5 + 6d & 2sh Roos tied by pmk Sydney 5 MY 41 mailed to London, endorsed By Clipper via New Zealand - Pacific / North Atlantic; c) 5/1941 letter sheet frank for air mail 1'6 sh Australian UPU stp to Tel-Aviv Palestine ex Camp 7 Eastern Command; d & e) 2 cvs ex Camp 2 to Jewish aid organization in Melbourne both endorsed "Business Letter" so 1 frank 2½d KGVI Australian stp not cancelled, the other accepted as POW mail & unfranked; all censored, f-vf (x5)
Tatura Camps Australia usually for Jewish Refugees from the UK w/German nationality - 5 items: a) 1942 cv GB to "Camp 2 Victoria" frank 2½ KGVI w/cachet INTERNMENT CAMP TATURA VIC.; b)2/1941 air mail pc Camp 8 Eastern Command to London frank Australian 5 + 6d & 2sh endorsed By Clipper via New Zealand - Pacific / Trans Atlantic; c + d + e) 3 cvs ex Camps 2,3 & 4 unfranked POW's mail w/appropriate cachets mailed to Jewish aid organization in Melbourne; all are censored, f-vf (x5)
Jewish Internees in British Camps in Palestine - 7 cvs, 5 are Latrun Camp: a) 5/1943 Internee in Latrun C to TLV via Jerusalem (C.I.D.) exempt of postage (cachet); b) 3/1946 Camp LATRUN cachet on face to Jerusalem via ER RAMLE 16 MR 46 exempt; c) 9/1947 ex Camp B - V.I.P. frank 10m (#97) to TLV via Jerusalem; d) 9/1947 to Camp frank 3m (#91) ex TLV; e) 9/1947 to Camp B, frank 3m (#91) ex TLV via Jerusalem; 2 cvs ex BETHLEHEM Women's Camp both frank 10m (#97): f) 9/1946 to TLV; g) 9/1947 to Saffed both via Jerusalem; all cvs censored, fine (x7)