1891 Tierra Del Fuego- 10c stp by Julius Popper complete sheet of 100 w/serial no. 291 at bottom right; orig gum u/m, light gum wrinkles, vf, Mi €60 for a hinged stp & note + 100% for u/m so total €12,000 + premium for sheet
Dear friends and collectors,
This is our GOLD auction as it contains our 50th sale.
The results of our previous auction, held on 16 February 2021 during the
Covid-19 Era, were excellent. We hope that the current sale will also arouse a
great interest.
We offer a Rare Doar Ivri Plate Blocks selection but special heed should be
paid to the Turkish Post, Jewish Colonies, Palestine stamps, Israel 1st
Postage Dues, Autographs and Palestine Banknotes.
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1946 Blitze und Totenkopf 5+3g & 12+12g the set of 2 unissued; u/m, vf (x2) Mi VI/VII - €2600
France 1863-70, 1c-80c "Rothschild" Issue (Mi 24U-31U, Yvert 25c-32b), complete set of eight. These stamps were made exclusively for the famous banker and financier for use of his correspondence, certif. for the set by Bernard Behr:"... impression tres fine... neuf avec gomme, superb" the 1c Bronze, the "key" item is signed B. Behr and has his special certif. a 2nd certif. by him for the complete set all w/the same above description, vf (x8), Yv € 4100.-
1943 Hans Frank British propaganda forgery - a 20 Gr Deutsches Reich Generalgouvernement stamp printed by Harrison & Sons in England used single cancelled TSCHENSTOCHAU 1 - 15.6. (43) known to be used on cvs posted by the Polish Resistance in 14.6.43 & 15.6.43 in Tschenstochau area. The stamp design is an imitation of the 1941 20 Groschen Hitler Issue, Mi Nr 77 & was printed in sheets of 20. The stamps were dropped to the Polish Resistance in January-April 1943; few short perfs o/w vf & Extremely Rare as used (Mi 33A - €4500) certif. Detlef Pfeiffer 06.2021 - BPP
Jordan Occupation of the West Bank 1948/9 - King Abdullah 1m - 1LP (SG PI/16) in blocks of 4 + 2m perf Varieties; vf (x18 blocks of 4), SG ₤900+
AIR MAIL (Palestine related incl. Zeppelin)
AIR MAIL (Palestine related incl. Zeppelin)
1934 9th South America Flight - 13 SP 34 Registered printed matter cv Jerusalem to Recife - Pernambuco properly franked 28m (SG #107 & 108), endorsed: "By Airmail to London / Zeppelin Germany - Recife, Printed Matter By Zeppelin", STUTTGART 22.9.34 & FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 29 9 34 pmks, DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST cachet type b, also VIA ZEPPELIN label, PERNAMBUCO 3 X 34 arrival pmk; address lightly faded f-vf, Si 277 - €1250
1929 Palestine Riots Diverted Flight England to India - Airmail cv from England to Amman franked 2x2½d KGV cancelled 30 AU 29, due to the riots in Palestine & imposition of martial law in Gaza the flight was rerouted via Kantara & Amman R.A.F. base, the cv bears a cachet "ENGLAND .. INDIA AIRMAIL.. DIVERTED ROUTE", AMMAN 6 SE 1929 arrival; vf & scarce
1929 Imperial Airways First Air Mail Flight from London (Croydon) to Karachi, Gaza - Karachi Leg, cover prepared for the first mail flight of the Gaza - Karachi leg franked 20m (SG #99) canceled JERUSALEM 2 AP 1929, marked T 26 mils, back stamped at Gaza 4 AP 29 & arrival Calcutta 9 APR 1929. The long-awaited Imperial Airways London to Karachi service started on March 30, 1929. The journey took seven days. The route from London was by air to Basle, and then by rail to Genoa, followed by flights from Genoa to Alexandria, Gaza, Baghdad, Basra, Jask and Karachi; vf