Tel Aviv Stamps - Auction #50

Dear friends and collectors,

This is our GOLD auction as it contains our 50th sale.
The results of our previous auction, held on 16 February 2021 during the
Covid-19 Era, were excellent. We hope that the current sale will also arouse a
great interest.

We offer a Rare Doar Ivri Plate Blocks selection but special heed should be
paid to the Turkish Post, Jewish Colonies, Palestine stamps, Israel 1st
 Postage Dues, Autographs
and Palestine Banknotes.

This auction can be viewed only at You can browse all the
sections of the catalogue at your convenience.
Many more images are shown on the website, these could not be included in
the hard copy.

Please FAX or E-mail your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to
include their FAX or E-mail & telephone numbers on their bid sheets.
With all good and sincere wishes,



Lot #: 308

1st Festivals  CROSS GUTTERS:  3-65m (#10/14) cpl set of 5 Cross Gutters Hearts of Sheets in blocks of 6 Tete-Beche Pairs, each 2 vertical gutter pairs & plate blocks of 3 Tete-Beche pairs, all plates 3 & 5; orig. gum u/m, vf (x5), Ba #10/14CG - $3250, scarce in such cond., certif Tsachor - Aloni

Start: $700 Sold For: $900
Lot #: 309

3 - 65m (#10/14) cpl set of 5 Cross Gutters - Heart of Sheets blocks of 4; u/m, vf (x5), Ba 10/14CG - $2250, scarce in this condition           

Start: $600 Sold For: $600
Lot #: 310

3-65m (#10/14) 2 cpl sets of 5 Tete-Beche pairs on 2 large cvs pmkd TEL-AVIV 20 - 30.9.1948 - 1st week of the issue: a) With Cyclometric nos & bottom margins; b) With Slugs & Colored Dots; vf (x2) scarce

Start: $180 Sold For: $250
Lot #: 311

1949 IDF Insignias 5, 10 & 35pr (Sc #28/30) cpl set of 3, 5 & 10 right  marginal Tabblocks of 4, 35 pr part separation between the margin & stps ; u/m, vf, Ba $1400   

Start: $280 Sold For: $320
Lot #: 312

1950 UPU Tete-Beche & Gutter pairs 40 & 80pr (Ba #27/8 A+B) in Full Sheet of 64 stps; u/m, vert centerfold, vf, Ba $700

Start: $200 Sold For: $210
Lot #: 313

1951 Touring Stamp Exhib. Haifa Ovpts on 2nd Coins Gutters cpl set of 4 denom 5, 10, 15 & 30pr in Blocks of 4 Mixed English & Hebrew ovpts se-tenant; u/m, vf (x4 bls), Bale 2016 edit p. 75 #22b-25b-T3 - $1600, Very Rare

Start: $500 Sold For: $725
Lot #: 314

1951 Touring Stamp Exhib. Haifa Ovpts on 2nd Coins Gutters cpl set of 4 denom 5, 10, 15 & 30pr in Blocks of 4 Mixed English & Hebrew ovpts se-tenant; u/m, vf (x4 bls), Bale 2016 edit p. 75 #22b-25b-T3 - $1600, Very Rare

Start: $500 Sold For: $800
Lot #: 315

1957 - 3 diff sheetlets Tab Rows of 5 w/20mm High top margins: a) 400pr Bezalel top margin perforated #161495; b) 50pr New Year top margin Imperf & partly blank, this w/o serial no; c) 250pr Independence top margin imperf #021528; u/m, vf (x3), Ba #142e, 143e & 144e, $900

Start: $200 Sold For: $310
Lot #: 316

Air mail pl bls: 1960 Towns 0.15 - 3.00IL 21 diff. printing dates Ba #AM188/235 only 1 missing (0.15 - 021161); 1963 Birds - the 7 better 2nd printing: #AM 26, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 & 40; vf (x28 pl bls), Ba $1270

Start: $180 Sold For: $180
Lot #: 317

1963 Hunger Tete-Beche - 2 sheets: a) #011966 (Sc #237a), u/m, b) #008500 w/4 FD TEL AVIV YAFO 1 - 21.3.63 pmks, certif. Tsachor; full original gum, vf (x2) bargain at

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Start: $180 Sold For: $180

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