Tel Aviv Stamps - Auction #51

Dear friends and collectors,

The list of Prices Realized of our Nov. 2021 auction again reveals another excellent set of results, demonstrating a continuing strong and steady demand for better philately.
This auction – our 51st – contains many important offerings some of them are:
Jewish Colonies mail, Foreign and Turkish Posts , Palestine stamps, 1948 Interim, Doar Ivri, Jewish Autographs and culminating with a section of Very Rare Palestine and Israel Banknotes.

Over the past 33 years we have offered many of the leading collections of Holy  Land and Israel.
We are planning our next auction, #52, to be our last one. 

With all good and sincere wishes, 


20:00 PM (Israel Time)


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Showing 1 - 10 items of 416

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The Ottoman  Posts & Telegraph Offices in Palestine & Sinai  – N.J. Collins & Steichele (listed St. PM or PM)

Steichele – "Ottoman Post" (listed w/double Numbers)

Steichele – "Handbook of Holy Land Philately" Vols. I + II  – revised by N.J. Collins & L. Dickstein

The Postal History of the Ottoman Post in The Holy Land – Aloni & Hackmey

Lot #: 1

1682 Acri to Livorno - 2 pages folded letter, w/watermarks, from Acri by Joseph 23 February 1682 to Francois Venturini in Livorno, by the ship of Captain Michel Q.D.C. (Whom God Preserves) detailed letter concerning cargo & prices; lightly browned through disinfection, typical folds, fine

Start: $400 Sold For: $525
Lot #: 2

 DISINFECTED MAIL:1836 (11/6) complete folded letter stationery of Consulat de France a St. Jean d'Acre et Dependances written in Beyrouth in French to "... de la Sante Publique a Marseille" (in message) by Henry Guyot reporting about the Plague in the Levant, by Courier, w/vf 2 lines cachet: PURIFIE LAZARET / MARSEILLE (this last 24 mm) & 2 vertical disinfection slits. Forwarded by Sardinian vessel to Marseille w/CONSULAT DE FRANCE A St. JEAN D'ACRE seal on back, marked "recu 5 aout, rep. le 19 dit"; scattered spots & usual bottom archive fold, fine example of Consular ship mail prior to the regular French paquebot service introduced 1837 in the Mediterranean  

Start: $400 Sold For: $575
Lot #: 3

23 December 1859 - folded cpl letter from Jaffa to Beirut addressed to Dr Eli Smith at the American Consul in Beirut, marked in manscpt "3/ 1  20" - 3 dirhams weight (about 10gr) & 60 para to pay the 60 hours ride distance from Jaffa to Beirut, couriered to Beirut by the Tatars & cancelled by Beirut Negative Seal pmk "An Canib i Posta i Beirut 257" (on behalf of the Beirut Post Office - Collins PP1) in  Grey Green; horiz. fold, fine & Rare, certif. Muentz

Start: $700 Sold For: $700
Lot #: 4

1874 Forwarding Agent "Zallel Barschach" – folded cpl letter from LEMBERG 2/1874 addressed to Zallel Barschach in Beyruth, double addressed in Hebrew at bottom left to Safed Rebbie, 2 pages in Hebrew. (Zallel Barschach was acting as a forwarding agent of the Jewish communities in the north of the Holy Land during the 1870s in order to avoid the unreliable Turkish Post at that period). On front arrival Austrian Post BEIRUTTI 2-74, on back transit PEST 8/2 74, marked in Blue crayon “20”; vert. centerfold, fine & scarce     

Start: $300 Sold For: $370


Lot #: 5

CAIFA (St. 502) the Rare Ornamented pmk 13/4 (1871) 2 fine strikes in Blue tying 1867 5 + pair of 15 Soldi to cv w/3 pages contents in English to New York: "Near Acre, Haifa on the Mediterranean at the base of Mount Carmel, Friday April 28 71.....", endorsed on face "Via Alexandria, Brindisi & England", ALEXANDRIEN 1/5 on back, New York PAID ALL  MAY 28 in Red & marked "35" on face; f-vf, a Rare trans-Atlantic destination, cerif. Tsachor-Aloni 

Start: $1,000 Sold For: $1,650
Lot #: 6

AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO CAIFFA - vf cachet tying Turkish fiscal stp to freight certificate 1-3-1897 for the Lloyd Venus ship; folded, scattered spots, fine 

Start: $250 Sold For: $250
Lot #: 7

Austrian Post in Haifa - 4 scarce items: a) 4/1909 Passover - Greeting ppc postcard mailed locally in Haifa as a P. Matter rate franked 10pa Austrian Levant stp; b). 2/1913 registered Austrian Consulate cv Haifa to Reichenberg Mixed Franking 1908 issue (front & back): Crete 3x10c (= 60pa) + Levant 4x20pa total 140pa, rate: 40pa letter + 40pa registration + 2 x 30pa for 2x addit. weight; c) COUPON REPONSE INTERNATIONAL (Reply coupon) for 28H w/vf pmk CAIFA OESTER... POST (St. 508) 1.VI.09;  d) To Bangkok - Siam: 16.7.07 - 10 centimes (= 20 para) imptd postal card from Haifa cancelled "CAIFA OSTER... POST" pmk (St #507) arrival 9.9.1907 on face; f-vf (x4)

[PC] [PPC] [DOC] [CV]
Start: $250 Sold For: $270
Lot #: 8

Nazareth (St. 511) 8.4.07 vf strike in Violet tying 10 pa on 10H Austrian Levant stp to printed-matter ppc (Mary's Well) as less than 5 words in the message, mailed to Cairo, CAIFA OSTER... (St. 506) 9.4.07 alongside, arrival pmk 12 IV 07 ; horiz. fold at top away from stp, fine & very early

Start: $180 Buy
Lot #: 9

MAJOR HOLYIAND RARITY: 2 Lines cachet in Violet TIBERIAS 3.11.07 superb, on pair 10pa ovpt Aust Levant 1905 stps on PPC (Tiberias) tied by overlapping pmk CA1FA OESTERR. POST 6.11.07 (St. 506), mailed to England, message dated 3.11.07 in Tiberias; tiny marginal nick, vf & Top Exhibition item. certif. Nakri, certif. Tsachor-Aloni, sold in our 1997 auction #12 for $23750 + commission. "... 1 of the 3 known examples of this cachet on a complete piece of correspondenceincluding 1 in the Alexander Museum

Start: $8,000 Sold For: $10,710
Lot #: 10

1867 (June 7) JAFFA Ornamented pmk (St 522) vf strike 7/6 tying 10 sld Lombardo - Venetia Arms, commerc Parodi corresp. Folded letter (no message part) to Beirut marked by recipient: Rec'd 8 June & answered 12 June; f-vf & Rare

Start: $400 Sold For: $400