Current Auction

Dear friends and collectors,

Welcome to our 52nd auction. The results of our 51st auction, which can be viewed on our website were excellent and show a stable market eager for better items in most specialties.

This is our last auction. During the past 33 years we have dealt with hundreds of vendors and serviced thousands of bidders worldwide. We thank all for the full trust they have given us.
We are also very proud of helping build many collections, some of which reached the highest levels in international shows.

It is with great sorrow that we remember the untimely demise of Zvi Aloni z.l.
Zvi died on September 10 2022, at the age of 74, after a short cancer illness.
He will be greatly missed by his family and many friends.
May he rest in peace.

This auction is highlighted by 2 Large Gold Medals  collections: Holyland Forerunners (incl. Colonies) part 2  and 1948 Doar Ivri.
Other specialties are well represented culminating with a fine section of banknotes.

With all good and sincere wishes,

Yacov Tsachor



Lot #: 122

Jericho to Australia frank 10pa on 5pf Germania Printed Matter rate as less than 5 words on message side, from JERUSALEM DEUTSCHE Post 12 3 07, arrival on face VICTORIA AP 17 07 + Lloyd Hotel cachet; bottom left corner black ink stains, vf & Rare

Start: $500 Sold For: $900
Lot #: 123

Western Australia to Richon Le Zion - ppc frank 1d Roo from GERA... (Greater Perth area - Y.T.) to family Gordon, message in Hebrew by their daughter on 31 July 1914, erroneously forwarded by the Turk. Post to CAIFFA1 (PM10) 2-9-14 then corrected to JAFFA (PM18); f - vf , scarce

Start: $400 Sold For: $725
Lot #: 124

Province Quebec - Canada 1873 Trans Atlantic mail:  GERUSALEMME (St. 542) 14/3 superb pmk, charged "5" Austrian Levant rate, marked FRANCO (St. 555), charged additional "10" in Orange mmanscpt & cv crossed out in Blue. NEW YORK PAID ALL 12 APR & MONTREAL 14 AP 73 arrival; 2 opening faults, a fine Rare cv

Start: $500 Sold For: $4,725
Lot #: 125

Deutsche Sud West Afrika - 21.1.01 JERUSALEM DEUTSCHE POST pmk tying 20pa on 10pf Germania via PORT SAID 23/1, ADEN JA 30, SUEZ & arrival WINDHOEK  14 4 01; vf

Start: $200 Sold For: $420
Lot #: 126

11.8.10  Jerusalem German Post  Registered cv frank 50c on 40pf (10c overfrank) tied by JERUS. DEUT. POST pmk (St. 234) mailed to Okawayo by Karibib - German South West Africa. Port Said 14 VIII 10, via Aden cancelled and marked via London, arrival pmk KARIBIB Deutsch Sudwest - Africa 18.9.10; vf & Rare

Start: $400 Sold For: $675
Lot #: 127

Jerusalem Regist cv to Frankfurt frank 10pa on 5pf + 20pa on 10pf + 1¼ pi on 25pf - total 2pi correct rate tied by pmk JERUSALEM DEUT. POST 10.1.08 arrival 20.1.08. Redirected to "Delhi Indie", Bombay arrival: SEA POST OFFICE 12 FE 08 on face; vf & v. scarce

Start: $400 Sold For: $675
Lot #: 128

2.5.08 JAFFA DEUTSCHE POST cv frank 1pi on 20pf Germania to Athlone - Ireland arrival on face MAY 11 08, Aus Ramleh (Palestina) St. 246 vf strike also on face; back flap off, f - vf

Start: $200 Sold For: $460
Lot #: 129

Incoming: SAUDI ARABIA - imptd stationery cv of Medine Mounaoira to Haifa frank on back 1pi Turk. stp tied by MECCA 2 octagonal  in Black 2-9-14, a very Rare pmk in use for 5 weeks, CAIFFA 2 (PM11) 21-9-14 arrival pmk on back; light foxing on stp perfs, f - vf, the only Recorded cv in the Forerunner period from Saudi Arabia

Start: $800 Buy
Lot #: 130

Incoming: BROEMFONTEIN 25 SP 93 (Orange Free State) pc written 23.9.93, message in French, frank ½ & 1d stps, Fancy cancel, Austrian arrival JERUSALEM/GERUSALEMME (St. 543) all on face; f - vf

Start: $200 Buy

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