Tel Aviv Stamps - Auction #43

The enclosed list of Prices Realized of our Nov. 2015 Auction again reveals another fine set of results, demonstrating a continuing strong and steady demand for better philately.
This our 43rd Auction is well balanced with many important offerings.
We start with the 2 Collections:
1948 DOAR IVRI – 5th part – Intrn. Large Gold
ISRAEL 1948 – Early Foreign Postal Links
Many specialties merit special attention, few of which are: Foreign Stamps, Turkish Forerunners, Palestine Stamps, 1948 Interim, Doar Ivri, 
1st P. Dues, 1948 1st Festivals, Dreyfus Affair, JNF issues, Zionist Congresses, Anti-Semitism and Holocaust mail & Coins and Banknotes.
All the specialties are listed in the detailed Table of Contents.
Please FAX your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX and telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets. 
For the convenience of our clients in the Metropolitan New York area 
Dr. Arthur Groten is available to accept bids and consignments by phone
845-471-4179 or e-mail [email protected]
Consignments can also be submitted by Mr. Gary Theodore, office phone
732-229-5310, cell 732-996-0520 or e-mail [email protected],
 Fax: 732-229-4805
With all good and sincere wishes, 
YACOV TSACHOR  - Director & Philatelist
ZVI ALONI  - Philatelist

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Lot #: 586

1823 Debenture of the Amsterdam Community w/the value of 10 Gold coins, of the To'elet Company in Amsterdam, w/handwritten signatures of the company's kashrut supervisors. On the leaf margin is an inscription that the debenture was donated to the community; centerfolds, f - vf

[DOC] [] [] [] [] []
Start: $180 Buy
Lot #: 587

Photolithographic Vignettes of Jerusalem, 1877: This corresp. was written by A.A. Roberts, a gentile, to her friend Emma during her trip to the Holy Land on 11-25 November 1887 as part of a general tour of the Middle East. She gives great details of what she saw with many Old and New Testament Biblical references. The 8 letter sheets she used were published by M.W. Shapira of Jerusalem who applied photographic vignettes (total 32) produced by Ph. Frey & Co. Each sheet has a top design for 4 vignettes, 2 oval & 2 round, majority different. All have captions in English. On 1 sheet the vignettes have also captions in Hebrew. These sheets used a process of miniaturization, engraving and lithography from photographs to create a glazed sepia effect. The process is the basis for computer miniaturization and microchip production; vf (x9 sheets incl. 1 from Jaffa w/o vignettes) a unique tourism testimony of the Holy Land

[DOC] [] [] [] [] []
Start: $1,250 Sold For: $2,100
Lot #: 588

1897 Breslau - Hansa Private Post for Rosh-Hashana (the New Year) the 1½ pf local (Mi E12) special issue marked 5658 (= 1897). Rosh-Hashana was on 27 Sept 1897. Offered is a commerc Jew. firm stationery cv, stp tied by the local pmk HANSA - BRESLAU 2.10.1897; vert centerfold away from stp & pmk, 2 light opening tears on back (resealed), fine & seldom offered

[CV] [] [] [] [] []
Start: $550 Sold For: $575
Lot #: 589

ditto, but cv frank 2x1½ pf local stp "5658" each tied by pmk HANSA / BRESLAU 28 9 97 locally mailed; few scattered spots, fine & Rare

[CV] [] [] [] [] []
Start: $750 Buy
Lot #: 590

ditto, 1897 Shana Tova Private Post Greeting Card on cv frank 1½ pf Local (Mi E12) tied by pmk HANSA - BRESLAU ( )0.97, mailed during October 1897; opening tears on back resealed, fine

[CV] [] [] [] [] []
Start: $350 Buy
Lot #: 591

1898 Dreyfus Affair - 4 original Anti-Semitic posters 46x64cm: a) "Histoire d'un Traitre" (The History of a Traitor) in 16 colored "comics" style caricatures; b) "Les Remparts d'Israel" (The Ramparts of Israel) 12 colored sketches of personalities connected to the Affair; c) "L'Art et la Maniere d'obtenir LA GUEULE a ZOLA" - 12 sketches: how to draw Zola's portrait in a mocking way; d) "DREYFUS EST UN TRAITRE"; folded, fine (x4) for these old seldom offered items all issued in Paris

[POSTER] [] [] [] [] []
Start: $520 Sold For: $540
Lot #: 592

1898/9 - 2 Paris publications regarding the rehabilitation of Dreyfus: a) "ARRET LA COUR DE CASSATION (Affaire Dreyfus , Comite pour propager la Verite)" - the regulation of the process of annulment of the Verdict, poster 62x90cm; b) 25 Nov. 1898 the Paris journal Le TRANSIGEANT w/the headline: MAXIME! 4 full pages 46x64cm, sub-headlines: L'Aveu d'Esterhzy, Rochefort Savait, etc.; folded, fine (x2) scarce items

[POSTER] [] [] [] [] []
Start: $260 Sold For: $420
Lot #: 593

Dreyfus Affair - Ca. 1898 - 2 Anti-Semitic French posters:

a) "Le Retour de L'Ile du Diable", 35x55cm colored caricature, folded; b) "Oeuvre Nationale De Propagande Antijuive" 18x26cm on double page song lyrics & music notes: Allons! Petit Pioupiou - a Paut Deroulede, 19x30cm; also,  5 stickers incl.: A bas les Juifs!, Francais, N'achetez rien aux Juifs!, etc.; f - vf (x7 items)

[POSTER] [] [] [] [] []
Start: $180 Sold For: $270
Lot #: 594

29 Sept 1902 OBSEQUES D'EMILE ZOLA / Laissez-Passer (THe Funeral  of Emile Zola) card 13x10cm for free passage to the participant in the funeral; fine

[CARD] [] [] [] [] []
Start: $150 Sold For: $280
Lot #: 595

1896/1906 - Dreyfus Affair 33 diff. better postcards: 24 mint UDV, 4 used UDV & 6 used regular. Editions incl.: Baumann - Berlin, Gaston - Maury, Sternfeld - Venice, Meulenhoff - Amsterdam, Le Deley - Paris, Max Marcus, Fritz Schadt, Philipp + Kramer, Krotoskin, A.M. Amiot - Den Haag, etc.; f - vf (x33) a valuable assemblage

[PPC] [] [] [] [] []
Start: $200 Sold For: $220