3 diff. Sealing Collection boxes labels: a) 1905 Star of David (Roch. 3) Pale Blue, tear but cpl; b+c) 1905 Star of David (Roch. 4&5) Red on Maroon & Red on Black; orig. gum trace of hinge, a - fine, b+c - vf (x3)
The enclosed list of Prices Realized of our Nov. 2015 Auction again reveals another fine set of results, demonstrating a continuing strong and steady demand for better philately.
This our 43rd Auction is well balanced with many important offerings.
We start with the 2 Collections:
1948 DOAR IVRI – 5th part – Intrn. Large Gold
ISRAEL 1948 – Early Foreign Postal Links
Many specialties merit special attention, few of which are: Foreign Stamps, Turkish Forerunners, Palestine Stamps, 1948 Interim, Doar Ivri,
1st P. Dues, 1948 1st Festivals, Dreyfus Affair, JNF issues, Zionist Congresses, Anti-Semitism and Holocaust mail & Coins and Banknotes.
All the specialties are listed in the detailed Table of Contents.
Please FAX your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX and telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets.
For the convenience of our clients in the Metropolitan New York area
Dr. Arthur Groten is available to accept bids and consignments by phone
845-471-4179 or e-mail [email protected]
Consignments can also be submitted by Mr. Gary Theodore, office phone
732-229-5310, cell 732-996-0520 or e-mail [email protected],
Fax: 732-229-4805
With all good and sincere wishes,
YACOV TSACHOR - Director & Philatelist
ZVI ALONI - Philatelist
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Table of Contents
1909 Presentation Sheet Type C - Roch. p. B-2/15 containing all labels issued until 1909: Zion, Herzl & Nordau - boxed square for each label; f - vf & scarce
1912 Palestine Landscapes - a Unique Study lot of 67 labels, Kap 39/42 - label size 25x22½ mm: Imperforate Proofs on thicker paper, 2 are marginals, in Green (2 diff. shades), Red & Brown; cpl set of 4 in Panes of 6 (Red split 4 + 2, Blue Imperf Between) + addit. bl of 4 in Red also empty bklt; the 2 diff. types of JNF font in Hebrew on (diff. shades): Brown (x6), Red (x6), Green (x6) & Blue (x4 - very distinct diff. shades!) - these mint or unused; Stamped in Violet: Dienstmarke K39/41; Label size 22x20m K#43/46 - mint or unused: Color Trials in Red (x3); regular issue in diff. shades showing the 2 diff. types of JNF font in Hebrew: Green (x4), Purple (x2) & Blue (x3); f - vf (x67) a great opportunity
1919 Palestine Views, K#91b-96b, cpl booklet w/5 full panes of 6 ovptd "Official", w/the original interleaves adhered on 4 of the 5 panes; vf & seldom offered
1921 Land of Israel - 3 marginal Imperforate Panes of 6 in Blue (ungummed), Brown (ungummed) & Blackish (gummed); f - vf (x3 panes) seldom offered, Roch 70/75, 82/87 & 88/93 Imperf
ditto, 2 Se-Tenant Panes of 6 Perforated (block of 12) in Brown, gummed paper, like Roch 94/99, final print, also Imperforate proof of View of Haifa Bay (Roch 94) in Brown 6x7cm final adopted design on gummed paper; f - vf (x2 items)
ditto, 9 perf panes of 6 labels: Basic full set of the 5 issued colors - Blue, Bright Orange, Maroon, Black & Brown & 4 panes stamped "5 mils E.I." in Black on Blue, Orange, Brown & Maroon; majority u/m, vf (x54 labels), Roch. 70/99 + 76b/99b, scarce assemblage
1927 Personalities & Landscapes - 4 cpl panes of 6 - Blue, Plum, Turquoise (nos. by Kaplove) K194/199, 182x/187x & 194x/199x + Imperforate Pane of 6 in Grey-Green K182/187; u/m, vf (x24 labels)
ditto, 4 cpl panes of 6 - Green K128/133x (Kaplove nos.), Brown 152/157, Brown K200/205 + same design Unlisted Black; 1 of Brown part split in 1 place, Green w/1 hinge o/w all u/m & f - vf (x24 labels)
1938 Zionist Rabbis - cpl Booklet, 4 diff. colored panes of 9 (3x3), Roch. 472/495; all u/m, vf (x36 labels) Rare