Tel Aviv Stamps - Auction #44

Dear friends and collectors,

Welcome to our 44th auction. The attached Prices Realized list of our 9 November 2016 sale demonstrates another set of excellent results. There is a continuing strong demand for better and specialized material.

We are proud to offer the following collections in the coming auction:  





Also included: Foreign Countries, Foreign P. Offices, Palestine stamps,

1948 Interim, Israel FDCs, 1948 1st Festivals, Judaica & The Dreyfus Affair & more.


Please FAX your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX and telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets.

For the convenience of our clients in the Metropolitan New York area Dr. Arthur Groten is available to accept bids and consignments by phone

845-471-4179 or e-mail [email protected]

Consignments can also be submitted by Mr. Gary Theodore, office phone

732-229-5310, cell 732-996-0520 or e-mail [email protected],

Fax: 732-229-4805


With all good and sincere wishes,


YACOV TSACHOR  - Director & Philatelist

ZVI ALONI  - Philatelist



The Ottoman  Posts & Telegraph Offices in Palestine & Sinai  – N.J. Collins & Steichele (listed St. PM or PM)

Steichele – "Ottoman Post" (listed w/double Numbers)

Steichele – "Handbook of Holy Land Philately" Vols. I + II  – revised by N.J. Collins & L. Dickstein

The Postal History of the Ottoman Post in The Holy Land – Aloni & Hackmey

Lot #: 437

PRE-PHILATELIC PERIOD: 1811 Nazareth to Acri 

2 pages folded letter sent by a priest, guardian of the Monastery in Nazareth, Francesco di Mete Fiori dated

1 May 1811, to Sig. Stefano Conte Sicovihc the Consul of the Austrian Empire in Acri, re: complaint about the behavior of an Austrian Empire citizen by the name of Gregorio Triestino who came on pilgrimage to Nazareth and was hosted with all comforts in the Monastery; light aging, f - vf, full translation to English attached

(See also #1-5)

Start: $500 Sold For: $500
Lot #: 438

1867 St. Jean d'Acre to Malta - 1 page folded letter from Acri by C. Avierino on 25 July 1867 to Sigg. Tagliafesso in Malta, forwarded by 2 Forwarding Agents: Avierino to Alexandria & C.C. Zervudachi & Co in Alexandria to Malta, cachets on front & back, inside recipient's note: "1867,

C. Avierino, St. Giov. D'Acri, 25 Juglio,  Rec 19 Agusto, Risp 19 Agusto"; light age signs, f - vf

Start: $500 Sold For: $745
Lot #: 439

No Lot

Start: Buy
Lot #: 440

AARONSOHN SARA pc w/full message side written in Hebrew to her young sister Rivka Aaronsohn in Chicago - she stayed with brother Alex in the USA during the War, message dated in Latin "20 Mars 1916 Zichron". She writes about personal matters, then describes the Purim party in details incl. the disguise dressings and the young men who attended, she sends regards from the other brothers and writes that Aaron will also answer her today..., signed SARA in Hebrew. Their father adds in Yiddish: "Best wishes from your father". The pc is franked 20para Turk stps, CAIFFA part pmk

24-3-16 & Beirut censor cachet; fine historic item

Start: $500 Sold For: $4,830
Lot #: 441

THE TURKISH POST (see also #43/61): GAZA (PM4) 4 vf strikes in Black tying stps to back of REGISTERED 9 6 908 DEUTSCHE BANK cover to Jaffa Branch w/Gaza Agentur cachet on face, penciled registration & "No. 1048" on front, total rate of 120pa: 40 domestic + 40 regist + 40 addit weight; few usual small cv faults, generally vf & Rare, 1 of the 8 Registered items ex Gaza, certif Muentz, signed Tsachor


Start: $1,000 Buy
Lot #: 442

QDS2 (PM32) - JERUSALEM All Arabic pmk fine strike 22.12.17 tying 3 Turk. stps, total 30pa littoral rate of 20pa + War Tax 10pa, to back of cv, Istanbul arrival pmk, Jerus Military censor mark on face; light soiling, fine

Start: $250 Buy
Lot #: 443

QUART ISRAELITE (PM7) vf strike 31-3-916 tying 2x1pi Turk stps to REGISTERED cv, "R" registry cachet type RC7 manuscript No. "3197" (this item listed by Collins - Steichele) mailed to Germany, transit Beyrouth & Frankfurt arr pmk 28.4.16, redirected to Hungary arr pmk MEZOCSAT 1 MAI 916 all on back, also censor mark of Beyrouth; few small top tears glued, some top perfs touched by glue, fine & scarce, certif Muentz

Start: $350 Buy
Lot #: 444

4 taxed abroad ppcs: a) 3/1908 CAIFA OESTER... Unfrank Taxed in N. Jersey 4x1c USA P. Dues, stps trimmed at top;

b) 3/1910 JERUSALEM OESTER... Unfrank Taxed in Wien 10H Aust. P. Dues; c) 9/1913  JERUSALEM3 Turkish Octagonal pmk on Unfrank ppc, T in circle, Taxed 10c French P. Dues stp in Damigni; d) 7/1914 Italian 10pa Gerusalemme ovpt but ppc not accepted as printed-matter Taxed in Tunis 10c French P. Dues; f - vf (x4)

Start: $250 Sold For: $300

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