Tel Aviv Stamps - Auction #44

Dear friends and collectors,

Welcome to our 44th auction. The attached Prices Realized list of our 9 November 2016 sale demonstrates another set of excellent results. There is a continuing strong demand for better and specialized material.

We are proud to offer the following collections in the coming auction:  





Also included: Foreign Countries, Foreign P. Offices, Palestine stamps,

1948 Interim, Israel FDCs, 1948 1st Festivals, Judaica & The Dreyfus Affair & more.


Please FAX your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX and telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets.

For the convenience of our clients in the Metropolitan New York area Dr. Arthur Groten is available to accept bids and consignments by phone

845-471-4179 or e-mail [email protected]

Consignments can also be submitted by Mr. Gary Theodore, office phone

732-229-5310, cell 732-996-0520 or e-mail [email protected],

Fax: 732-229-4805


With all good and sincere wishes,


YACOV TSACHOR  - Director & Philatelist

ZVI ALONI  - Philatelist

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Lot #: 483

LINKS (see also #140/143 & 164/165)

EARLY SURFACE MAIL: 23.2.48 cv ex Bucarest to Haifa franked 37 Lei arrival Haifa regist oval pmk 3 MY 48 on back, brought by the S.S Kedma arriving in Haifa at the beginning of May 48; small restored tear at top & scattered light spots, fine, photog. in Shamir - Siegel p. 28


Start: $400 Sold For: $625
Lot #: 484

Emergency Early Mail - cv ex Cardiff - GB sent via the ship S.S Kedma, cachet on face: "Kedma Palestine Line Ltd", prepaid to the Shipping Company, franked by them in Haifa 10m D. Ivri stp tied by 15.6.1948 pmk & mailed; cv shortened 1cm at right not affecting, f - vf & very scarce, certif Tsachor - Aloni

Start: $500 Sold For: $850
Lot #: 485

EARLY INCOMING AIR MAIL: 16.4.1948 air mail cv ex Schenectady NY to Pardess Hanna properly franked 25c, arrival pmk Mandate s.c. PARDESS HANNA 25 AP 48 - Latest date Recorded for incoming air mail as Lydda airport closed same day; few spots, f - vf & Very Rare as only a handful Recorded, signed Tsachor - Aloni, photog. Shamir - Siegel p. 20

Start: $750 Sold For: $1,500
Lot #: 486

PEDI - First Flight large size cv for documents, cachet dated 20 MAY 1948 from New York Bank to Workers Bank in TLV franked 25x25c Presidential issue: 25 air mail rate + x24 addit. weight! - all tied by the F. Fl. cachet, "FIRST FLIGHT TO ISRAEL" & Czech. airline circular cachets on face; fine most unusual $6.25 franking

Start: $400 Sold For: $850
Lot #: 487

Double addressed cv - Romania Timisoara 24.5.48 air mail cv to Tel Aviv, franked on back 4 stps total 23 Lei, sent to the Jewish Agency in Paris - 13 Av Wagram couriered by them to Israel & mailed, unfranked, taxed 10m 1st P. Dues (Sc #J3) tied by TEL AVIV 14.6.48 pmk; light toning, fine & scarce

Start: $500 Buy


Lot #: 488

Early courier from Rome Via Reno 2 to Rehovot franked JNF Tschernichowsky label (Kap #759), posted by the courier in TLV 27.5.48 frank 2x5m D. Ivri stps; roughly opened back, fine & Rare, signed Tsachor

Start: $500 Buy
Lot #: 489

Courier cv Milano to TLV franked JNF Jezreel Valley label (K#887) not recognized as legal franking, taxed upon arrival on 21.6.1948 - 10m 1st P. Due (#J3) instead of 20m tax as addressed to a private addressee; light toning, fine, signed Muentz

Start: $220 Buy
Lot #: 490

Courier cv from Italy franked JNF label (K#935) tied by the box cachet at the Milan - Zionist Office, dated 2 July 1948, posted by the courier upon arrival w/o addit. postage, the JNF label accepted as legal franking & cv delivered without tax in Hertzliya on 20.7.1948, pmk on back; light toning,

f - vf, photog. Shamir - Siegel p. 134

Start: $300 Sold For: $300
Lot #: 491

Courier cv ex Bad Reichenhall, J.R.O  Team 1069, Block 10/41, U.S Zone, Germany (DP Camp) mailed to Kfar Saba - Palestine, posted unfranked by the courier & taxed upon arrival 20m 1st P. Dues (#J4) tied by 7/1948 KFAR SABA s.c Mandate pmk; f - vf

Start: $200 Sold For: $200
Lot #: 492

Courier cv Germany US Zone to TLV brought by the courier & mailed unfranked, taxed upon arrival on 1.8.1948 10m 1st P. Due (#J3) instead of the usual 20m tax as addressed to a private addressee; light toning, f - vf, postal relations w/Germany resumed only in Sept. 194

Start: $200 Buy

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