Tel Aviv Stamps - Auction #44

Dear friends and collectors,

Welcome to our 44th auction. The attached Prices Realized list of our 9 November 2016 sale demonstrates another set of excellent results. There is a continuing strong demand for better and specialized material.

We are proud to offer the following collections in the coming auction:  





Also included: Foreign Countries, Foreign P. Offices, Palestine stamps,

1948 Interim, Israel FDCs, 1948 1st Festivals, Judaica & The Dreyfus Affair & more.


Please FAX your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX and telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets.

For the convenience of our clients in the Metropolitan New York area Dr. Arthur Groten is available to accept bids and consignments by phone

845-471-4179 or e-mail [email protected]

Consignments can also be submitted by Mr. Gary Theodore, office phone

732-229-5310, cell 732-996-0520 or e-mail [email protected],

Fax: 732-229-4805


With all good and sincere wishes,


YACOV TSACHOR  - Director & Philatelist

ZVI ALONI  - Philatelist


Handbooks & Catalogues:

"Israel Foreign Postal Links". 1991, Ch. Shamir & Marvin Siegel, listed as IFPL

"Jerusalem & Safed Postal Services in the Transition Period",  2004, Z Shmoni, Y. Rimon & I. Karpovsky, listed as JSPS

"Nahariya, Rishon Le Zion, The Negev Settlements…", 2009, Z. Shimoni, I. Karpovsky & Z. Aloni, listed as NRNS

Bale Israel Specialized Catalogue 1948-2016, D. Stier, Chariot Publishing, listed as Bale #  or  Ba #

Lot #: 502

1948 Taxi Mail 5 cvs - Drom Yehuda bus company 3 cvs: 9.3.48 from TLV to Rishon Le Zion w/routing labels; 24.3.48 from TLV to RLZ w/5m Koffer Ha'yishuv label; 26.5.48 from TLV to Rehovot w/routing labels; 24.2.48 Taxi Yael from TLV to Haifa w/5m Koffer Ha'yishuv label & 1948 Taxi Yael from "Hadassa" Jerusalem to TLV; 1 cv roughly opened at top, f - vf (x5) scarce 1948 War period shipments

Start: $350 Sold For: $350
Lot #: 503

10m Koffer Hayishuv (Bank's label) tied to TLV commerc cv mailed to Kfar Ata near Haifa, by TEL AVIV 17 5 1948 trilingual Israeli pmk (Koffer Hayishuv labels were tolerated till 23.5.1948); vert centerfold away from the label which has a bottom right corner fault, fine

Start: $130 Sold For: $130
Lot #: 504

Nahalal "Emergency Post" - the only REGISTERED EXPRESS M. Ha'am cv sent locally correctly frank 65m Mandate stps (15+50m) ovptd "Emergency Post Nahalal" tied by M. Ha'am Nahalal pmks in Violet repeated twice on back, registry label "No 1001"; vf, of philatelic origin, signed Tsachor, see NRNS p. 250

Start: $750 Sold For: $750
Lot #: 505

5/1948 commerc cv w/the Rare rate of 2m for a publication Registered at the General Post Office for delivery by inland post. The regular P. Matter rate was 3m. The cv bears the handstamp PRINTED-MATTER / REGISTERED AT G.P.O. in Red, stp is M. Ha'am Ba #5 tied by clear TEL AVIV M. Ha'am pmk mailed locally; light toning, f - vf, only 4 cvs w/this rate during M. Ha'am Recorded, see HLPH Summer 1993 p. 798/800 for more details, certif Tsachor – Aloni

Start: $400 Sold For: $725
Lot #: 506

Haifa Messengers Service commerc  registered cv sent by "Shemen Co." mailed in Haifa franked 15m + 15m labels type 1 in Violet, rate for regist. delivery within a zone itself, tied by boxed cachet type A "Cafe Riga", endorsed in manscpt by the recipient "received 5/3/48 A. Y. Pik" ( the cv was used as a delivery receipt); shortened  1cm at left, f - vf, photog. in the ELPS p. 232

Start: $500 Sold For: $645
Lot #: 507

Haifa Messengers Service commerc cv sent locally in Haifa franked 15m label type M3 (right angle & saw like frame in Violet) rate for delivery within Hadar Hacarmel, tied by boxed cachet type A "Cafe Riga"; roughly opened, f - vf & Rare, ELPS - $1000++

Start: $400 Buy
Lot #: 508

Haifa Messengers Service commerc cv sent by "Shemen Co." mailed to the Technion in Haifa franked 15m label type 1 in Violet, rate for delivery within a zone itself, tied by boxed cachet type A "Cafe Riga"; vert centerfold, f - vf

Start: $140 Sold For: $190
Lot #: 509

Haifa Messengers Service - invitation mailed by the Insurance Agents Committee in Haifa to 1 of the members to a meeting regarding the "dismissing of the riots clause by the insurance companies" due to the war, dated 9.5.48 (last day of messengers' service was 10.5.48) franked 20m label rate for delivery to downtown, tied by boxed cachet type A "Cafe Riga"; scattered toned spots, f - vf, latest date Recorded for this service

Start: $400 Sold For: $1,600
Lot #: 510

AFFULA regist #0114 properly franked 25m M. Ha'am stps (Ba 4x #6 & 14) tied by Violet pmk repeated twice on back, Haifa arr Mandate pmks 14.5.1948; cv shortened 5mm, f - vf

Start: $180 Buy
Lot #: 511

ALONIM  regist #0505 name of locality in Hebrew manscpt, properly franked 25m M. Ha'am stps (Ba #6 & 7x2) tied by Black M. Ha'am  pmks repeated on back, mailed to Haifa, arr HAIFA 16.5.48 Israeli pmk; vf & Rare as only 10 cvs mailed, certif Tsachor - Aloni

Start: $1,500 Sold For: $2,800