Tel Aviv Stamps - Auction #44

Dear friends and collectors,

Welcome to our 44th auction. The attached Prices Realized list of our 9 November 2016 sale demonstrates another set of excellent results. There is a continuing strong demand for better and specialized material.

We are proud to offer the following collections in the coming auction:  





Also included: Foreign Countries, Foreign P. Offices, Palestine stamps,

1948 Interim, Israel FDCs, 1948 1st Festivals, Judaica & The Dreyfus Affair & more.


Please FAX your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX and telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets.

For the convenience of our clients in the Metropolitan New York area Dr. Arthur Groten is available to accept bids and consignments by phone

845-471-4179 or e-mail [email protected]

Consignments can also be submitted by Mr. Gary Theodore, office phone

732-229-5310, cell 732-996-0520 or e-mail [email protected],

Fax: 732-229-4805


With all good and sincere wishes,


YACOV TSACHOR  - Director & Philatelist

ZVI ALONI  - Philatelist

1948 JERUSALEM (see also #133 & 173)

Lot #: 529

1948 French Consular, etc., see also #128/131)

25m - 2nd Local Issue - Full Imperforate Sheet of 20 stps, Plate B #0994 printed on the gummed paper; small gum fault at top left, vf & Rare, Ba #106a x20 = $2000++ premium for full sheet

Start: $600 Sold For: $850
Lot #: 530

3rd Local Issue (Gimel) Full Sheet of 20 stps #0805 Brown Gimel letter; u/m, few small perf separations & light gum faults, stps are u/m, f - vf, Ba $3250

Start: $500 Sold For: $575
Lot #: 531

11 MAY 1948 – 2 local cvs - 3 stps w/scarce varieties:

a) Frank 2x5m 1st issue - 1 is Ovpt Invtd Ba #101i - $220 as used; b) Regist cv frank cpl 2nd issue: 5m Double Ovpt 1 Invtd, 25m Double Ovpt - Ba#104e + 106b - $465 as used, signed Tsachor; a - fine, b - vf, Ba total $685++

Start: $200 Sold For: $200
Lot #: 532

Courier cv from Besieged Kiryat Anavim (by Jerusalem) to Bat Yam, franked 10m M. Ha'am Warsaw Ghetto (Ba #22) stp, posted in TLV & tied by 16.5.48 FD Trilingual pmk of TLV, return address mentions the K. Anavim Resort where the Palmach Units were stationed, very early courier from Besieged Jerusalem area; f - vf, signed Tsachor - Aloni

Start: $400 Sold For: $745
Lot #: 533

Courier cv Jerus to P.Tiqva hospital frank 10m 1st local issue & 10m D. Ivri added by the courier to ensure delivery, both stps tied by pmk TEL AVIV 1.6.1948 when Jerus was under full Siege; vf & scarce, signed Tsachor

Start: $300 Buy
Lot #: 534

Mail Destined Abroad - cv franked 20m, Mandate stps

(2x #93) addr to a Baghdad Jew from his brother in Jerusalem (correct surface rate) stps tied by the Jerus

M. Ha'am Rosette pmks - combination possible for only a few days as 13 May was FD of the Rosette pmk & 14 May Last Day for the Mandate stps - cv dropped to a post box in Jerusalem and processed by the Sorting Office; roughly opened, few tears & toning o/w fine & Unusual

Start: $240 Sold For: $240
Lot #: 535

THE POSTMARKS: Express commerc cv Jerusalem to Petah Tiqva properly frank 50m D. Ivri stps (10 + 2x20m) tied by the large M. Ha'am pmk known to be used on express cvs; vertical centerfold away from stps & pmk, roughly opened at top, fine & Rare, see "Jerusalem & Safed Postal Services..." p. 276 for similar cv


Start: $300 Sold For: $400
Lot #: 536

THE RARE METAL SLUG: 15 7 1948 –

JERUSALEM 1 Israeli trilingual pmk w/metal date slug on commerc cv locally addr frank 10m 2nd local issue still accepted, the metal slugs of 15 July were used only in the afternoon, cvs handled before noon of 15 July are known w/rubber line dater; roughly opened at top & light soiling,

fine & Rare, certif Tsachor - Aloni, see JSPS p. 271

Start: $400 Sold For: $725
Lot #: 537

1948 FRENCH CONSULAR POST: 20m Ovptd  JERUSALEM Postes Francaises left marginal single; u/m, vf, Ba #127 - $250+,  Ceres #2 -  € 300+


Start: $120 Sold For: $190
Lot #: 538


10 MAI 48 additional pmk alongside, addressed to Versailles; vf & Rare, estimated 15 items exist between the dates

5-13 MAI 48, signed Tsachor, certif Tsachor - Aloni

Start: $400 Sold For: $675

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