1950 Independence 20 & 40pr (Sc #33/4, Ba 29/30) in Left Marginal Tabblocks of 4 + Plate Blocks of 6; u/m , vf
(x4 items), Ba $1380
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With all good and sincere wishes,
YACOV TSACHOR - Director & Philatelist
ZVI ALONI - Philatelist
1950 Independence 20 & 40pr (Sc #33/4, Ba 29/30) in Left Marginal Tabblocks of 4 + Plate Blocks of 6; u/m , vf
(x4 items), Ba $1380
1963 Hunger Tete-Beche sheet (Sc #237a) - 2 FD items: a) Full sheet #025586 w/4 FD pmks TEL AVIV - YAFO - 21.3.63, bottom right corner margin perf splits; b) Private Registered FDC sheet #000125 tied by FD pmks JERUSALEM 21.3.63, backstamped; a - fine, b - vf (x2)
POSTAL HISTORY: 1/1949 registered cv from Sardis B.C. Canada to an officer in the Arab Legion in Amman Transjordan, erroneously reached Haifa on 3/1949, censored by the Israeli military censor & endorsed in manscpt: "Return to Sender No Service", cv ended at the "Dead Letter Office" Montreal Canada 14.4.1949; f - vf
7/1952 commerc air mail cv Winnipeg - Canada to Tel Aviv - underfrank & charged "T150 centimes", Taxed 495pr
(5 + 2x20 + 9x50pr, #J6, 9 & 11) 2nd P. Dues in Tel Aviv, the tax was calculated at the rate of 1c = 3.3pr; light perf toning,
f - vf
1971/8 Landscapes - Phosphor Experimental varieties - items a, b & c each w/part pmk JERUSALEM 13.1.74:
a) 0.03IL 1 Ph-R on stp thick paper, Ba 540.eph – Unlisted used, single; b) 0.30IL - 1 Ph - R Long - 1 single on cutout,
Ba 542.eph - Unlisted used; c) 0.18IL 2 Phosphor bands,
Ba 506,eph single; d) 0.35IL 2 Phosphor bands tabblock of 4 u/m, Ba - not known w/tab, Ba 577.eph1; e) 0.03IL horiz strip of 3 - 1PH-R pre cancelled machine TEL-AVIV 4.3.75; vf & scarce (x5 items), Ba estim. $3500++++