3 diff. Sealing Collection boxes labels: a) 1905 Star of David (Roch. 3) Pale Blue, tear but cpl; b+c) 1905 Star of David (Roch. 4&5) Red on Maroon & Red on Black; orig. gum trace of hinge, a - fine, b+c - vf (x3)
Dear friends and collectors,
Welcome to our 44th auction. The attached Prices Realized list of our 9 November 2016 sale demonstrates another set of excellent results. There is a continuing strong demand for better and specialized material.
We are proud to offer the following collections in the coming auction:
Also included: Foreign Countries, Foreign P. Offices, Palestine stamps,
1948 Interim, Israel FDCs, 1948 1st Festivals, Judaica & The Dreyfus Affair & more.
Please FAX your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX and telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets.
For the convenience of our clients in the Metropolitan New York area Dr. Arthur Groten is available to accept bids and consignments by phone
845-471-4179 or e-mail [email protected]
Consignments can also be submitted by Mr. Gary Theodore, office phone
732-229-5310, cell 732-996-0520 or e-mail [email protected],
Fax: 732-229-4805
With all good and sincere wishes,
YACOV TSACHOR - Director & Philatelist
ZVI ALONI - Philatelist
3 diff. Sealing Collection boxes labels: a) 1905 Star of David (Roch. 3) Pale Blue, tear but cpl; b+c) 1905 Star of David (Roch. 4&5) Red on Maroon & Red on Black; orig. gum trace of hinge, a - fine, b+c - vf (x3)
1912 Palestine Landscapes - a Unique Study lot of 67 labels, Kap 39/42 - label size 25x22½ mm, Imperforate Proofs on thicker paper, 2 are marginals in Green (2 diff. shades), Red & Brown; cpl set of 4 in Panes of 6 (Red split 4 + 2, Blue Imperf Between) + addit. bl of 4 in Red also empty bklt; the 2 diff. types of JNF font in Hebrew on (diff. shades): Brown (x6), Red (x6), Green (x6) & Blue (x4 - very distinct diff. shades!) - these mint or unused; Stamped in Violet: Dienstmarke K39/41; Label size 22x20m K#43/46 - mint or unused: Color Trials in Red (x3); regular issue in diff. shades showing the 2 diff. types of JNF font in Hebrew: Green (x4), Purple (x2) & Blue (x3); f - vf (x67) a great opportunity
1921 Palestine Views - Imperforate 2 Se-Tenant Panes of 6 (block of 12) in Brown ungummed like Roch 94/99; 2 folds,
f - vf Rare Proof
1943 Diaspora - Final Proofs in Imperforate Blocks of 4 complete series 3 for Roch #827/836, 11x8.5cm mounted on card in 2 private cardboard folders. Also final Proof of the frame for each stp w/the 12 Tribes on the contour; vf (x11), Rare
ditto, Proofs in Imperforate Blocks of 4 - 9 out of 10 of series 4 for Roch #857/866 (missing #866) vertical design 9x11cm incl the final Proof of the frame for 12 stps w/the 12 Tribes on the contour, mounted on card on 2 private cardboard folders; vf (x10), Rare
USA 1926 Leaders 4 full panes of 10: Roch. A4 –
Ben Yehuda, A9 – H. Shapiro, A11 – Max Nordau & A13 – C. Weizmann; A13 – interleaving of the booklet stuck. A11 – 1stp gum fault balance u/m & vf (x40 labels) bargain at
(Roch. $1600)
1930's JNF Courier Service during the High Holidays - 6 small greeting card cvs all in Hadera w/diff. JNF cachets, incl.: "Working Center of KKL in the Shomron", "The Committee for Shomron - KKL", "KKL - The amount of postage paid", "The Students' Committee for KKL" & more,
4 w/JNF labels & 1 w/Koffer Ha'yishuv label, 3 w/contents;
f - vf (x6)
1902/50 JNF collection of over 1500 labels in large stock album, mint or w/o gum & some used, incl.: Rochlin #10/12 blocks of 4 + the Rare bklt w/4½ panes in Red, 33/8 pane, 39/42 pane, 56/61 pane, 64/9 White & Brown paper, 101/106, 125/130, 149/154, 143/148, Panes of 6: 107/112, 119/124 & 167/172, 1934 Bialik Imperf bl of 10 (2x5), 173/6, 448/53, 1938 - Zionist Rabbis cpl set in blocks of 9 - 472/495 - 4 diff. colors, 60 Diaspora labels, Parachutists 977/1032 in 8 strips of 7, 1132/1243 - 11 cpl sheets of 28 incl. stamped 2, 3, 5 & 10 mils, 1949 Herzl Imperf bl of 4, many shades some Unlisted, some varieties, a wealth of material + 12 booklets;
f - vf (x over 1500 labels) a bargain at
1901 - 5th Zionist Congress Basel - Official ppc (Riemer 6) by E.M. Lilien, mailed from the Congress 29 XII 01 Basel to London; vert centerfold, fine