Tel Aviv Stamps - Auction #46

Dear friends and collectors,

Welcome to our 47th  auction. The results of our January 2019 Sale were excellent and prove the steady demand for better Holy Land items. View the

Prices Realized list on the website.

This auction can be viewed only at You can browse the catalogue or download any section by PDF.

Many more images are shown on the website,  these could not be included in the hard copy.

The Auction has most specialties well represented. Especially noteworthy are the sections of Holy Land Forerunners, Jewish Colonies, Mandate Stamps & used abroad, 1948 Interim, Doar Ivri, 1948 1st Festivals, 1950 1st Air Mail, Zionist Congresses &  Holocaust mail.

We are proud to offer, for the 1st time, the collection: Israel 1948 – 1952 Plate Blocks on FDCs.


Please FAX or E-mail your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX,  or E-mail &  telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets.


With all good and sincere wishes,



Lot #: 361

1949 Jerusalem 250pr (Sc #24) Full Sheet of 50 stps, 10 tabs; u/m, folded, small margin separation, f - vf, Ba $600

Start: $200 Sold For: $320
Lot #: 362

1950 NEGEV - Camel 500pr (Sc #25) full Tab Double Row of 5; u/m, vf, Ba $1420 as 2 tabblocks & 1 tab

Start: $400 Sold For: $400
Lot #: 363

1952 MENORAH 1000pr (Sc #55) Full Tab Row of 5 stps; u/m, 1 stp w/a light mark on gum side from the production process, vf, Ba $1000 for 5 tabs 

Start: $250 Sold For: $320
Lot #: 364

1952 MENORAH 1000pr (Sc #55) Full Sheet, 5 tabs; u/m, vf, Ba $1750

Start: $450 Sold For: $675
Lot #: 365

1953 JAFFA 1000pr Air Mail (Sc #C16) Full Sheet, 5 tabs; u/m, vf, Ba $500

Start: $180 Sold For: $180


Lot #: 366

3 - 10m Rouletted Tabs registered FDC stps tied to cv by 2 Mandate type FD pmks REGISTERED / PETAH TIQVA 16 MY 48  repeated on back; vf, Ba $550, signed Tsachor-Aloni

Start: $200 Buy
Lot #: 367

1948 1st Festivals 3 - 65m (#10/14) cpl set of 5 w/colored Tabs (20m White tab) tied to private FDC by FD pmks TEL AVIV 22 - 26.9.1948; scattered spots, fine, Ba $400, only private tabbed FDCs exist 

Start: $200 Sold For: $200
Lot #: 368

1949 JERUSALEM 250pr (Sc #24) single w/Full Tab tied to regist Express addressed Habul FDC by the commemorative pmk  JERUSALEM 16 2 1949 repeated on back; vf, Ba $950

Start: $350 Buy
Lot #: 369

1949 JERUSALEM 250pr (Sc 24) Full Tabbed stp tied to "Habul" cv by the special FD pmk JERUSALEM 16 2 1949, regist & express, backstamped; scattered spots, fine, Ba $950

Start: $200 Buy
Lot #: 370


1949 PETAH TIQVA 40pr (Sc #27) Full Left Tab bottom left corner, tied to the Official FDC (FD Slogan no tab) by HAIFA 5 - 10.8.1949 FD pmk, Registration label AHUZAT SAMUEL - #4923, locally addressed; f-vf, Ba $1200

Start: $200 Sold For: $420