Tel Aviv Stamps - Auction #47

Dear friends and collectors,

Welcome to our 47th auction. The results of our January 2019 Sale were excellent and prove the steady demand for better Holy Land items. View the Prices Realized list on the website.

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Many more images are shown on the website, these could not be included in the hard copy.

The Auction has most specialties well represented. Especially noteworthy are the sections of Holy Land Forerunners, Jewish Colonies, Mandate Stamps & used abroad, 1948 Interim, Doar Ivri, 1948 1st Festivals, 1950 1st Air Mail, Zionist Congresses & Holocaust mail.

We are proud to offer, for the 1st time, the collection: Israel 1948 – 1952 Plate Blocks on FDCs.

Please FAX or E-mail your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX, or E-mail & telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets.

With all good and sincere wishes,


1948 INTERIM (Local Posts Follow)

Handbooks & Catalogues:

"Israel Foreign Postal Links", 1991, Ch. Shamir & Marvin

Siegel, listed as IFPL


"Jerusalem & Safed Postal Services in the Transition Period", 2004,

Z. Shimoni, Y. Rimon & I. Karpovsky, listed as JSPS

"Nahariya, Rishon Le Zion, The Negev Settlements...", 2009

 Z. Shimoni, I Karpovsky & Z. Aloni, listed as NRNS

Bale Israel Specialized Catalogue 1948 - 2016, D. Stier,

Chariot Publishing, listed as Bale # or Ba #

Lot #: 236

Haifa Messengers Service - commerc cv sent locally franked 15m label in Red type M1b, tied by boxed cachet type A "Cafe Riga"; vf , sign Tsachor-Aloni

Start: $180 Buy
Lot #: 237

Besieged Gush Etzion - 15 AP 48 Flown cv from Gush Etzion, return address: "N. Fink, Gush Etzion for Ein Tzurim, POBox 2693 Tel Aviv", the Gush settlements were under siege as of Jan 48, the airstrip was in service as of Feb 7, the Gush surrendered to the Jordanian Legion on 13 May 1948. The cv franked w/a JNF 10m label (Kap #926) tied by the Mandate pmk struck upon arrival in TEL AVIV 15 AP 48, is addressed to the editorial board of Hassadeh in TLV, cv signed by the pilot of the flight I. Hennenson, confirming the flight on the 14th of April 48 from the Gush to TLV; vf & Very Rare, see NRNS p. 199/200, certif  Muentz & Tsachor - Aloni

Start: $2,000 Sold For: $4,830
Lot #: 238

Besieged Gush Etzion - family corresp. cv mailed from Kibbutz Ha'ogen addressed to "Gush Etzion Tel Aviv POB 2693 - Yehuda Fast - Massuot" franked 10m (#97) Mandate stp tied by Kfar Saba M. Ha'am pmk, marked "Return" in Black & arrow in Red crayon. The cv could not be delivered as the Gush surrendered to the Jordanian Army on the 13 May 1948; cv tatty & w/vertical center fold, fine & Very Rare, see NRNS p. 197, certif. Muentz & Tsachor-Aloni

Start: $1,200 Sold For: $6,300
Lot #: 239

Besieged Ben Shemen3.6.48 Flown cv  addressed to the Ottoman Bank in Tel Aviv. The village (near Lydda) was under siege as of April 48 & was serviced by a small airstrip, the siege was lifted on 10.7.1948, cv Flown to TLV by Haganah plane, arrival military pmk BASE Alef - 3.6.48 on face, cv sent by "Shlomo Kopitko Ben Shemen"; roughly opened at top right, f-vf & Rare, certif Tsachor-Aloni

Start: $600 Sold For: $1,500
Lot #: 240

Besieged Ben Shemen17.6.48 Flown cv  addressed to Kupat Holim in Tel Aviv. The village (near Lydda) was under siege as of April 48 & was serviced by a small airstrip, the siege was lifted on 10.7.1948, cv Flown to TLV by Haganah plane, arrival pmk APO #3 - 17.6.48 on face, cv sent by Dr. Pier from Ben Shemen and endorsed at top "On Active Service"; vf & Rare, see NRNS p. 219, certif Tsachor-Aloni

Start: $800 Sold For: $1,500
Lot #: 241

Besieged Negev -  Courier cv from Nevatim P.O.B. 560 Tel-Aviv, brought to TLV frank there 10m M. Ha'am stp (Ba #23) tied by TEL AVIV Israeli FD pmk 16.5.1948, the small settlement of Nevatim did not have a POB of its own & used a neighboring kibbutz Hatzerim & Beit Eshel box. Nat. Loan cachet on face; vert center fold f-vf

Start: $250 Sold For: $525
Lot #: 242

Besieged Negev Kibbutz Dorot via Nir Am - 3 cvs same corresp. with TLV all 3 are Courier cvs using the Kibbutz's POBox 2040 TLV address: a) To TLV frank 10m M. Ha'am stp (Ba #23) pmkd M. Ha'am TEL AVIV; b) To TLV frank 10m M. Ha'am stp (Ba #23) tied by  TEL AVIV 16 5 1948 FD pmk; c) To Dorot frank 10m D. Ivri (#3) stp tied by TEL AVIV 16 5 1948 FD pmk; w/typical centerfolds & roughly opened, scarce Postal History (x3) 

Start: $280 Sold For: $575
Lot #: 243

Besieged Negev -  Courier cv from Be'erot Ytzhak  P.O.B. 342 Tel-Aviv, brought to TLV frank there 10m Doar Ivri stp tied by TEL AVIV Israeli pmk 23.5.1948; vf

Start: $250 Sold For: $525
Lot #: 244

Besieged Negev -  Courier cv from Be'erot Nahbir (Kibbutz Be'eri), frank 10m M. Ha'am stp (Ba #12, demonetized as of 23.5.48) tied by TEL AVIV Israeli pmk 23.5.1948, still accepted untaxed in Tel Aviv; vf

Start: $250 Sold For: $625
Lot #: 245

Besieged NegevFlown Courier cv to Haifa return address: Nir Am, arrived & posted stampless at APO BASE A 16 VI 1948 in TLV, before the opening of APO #10 in Ruhama; vert centerfold, f - vf & scarce

Start: $250 Sold For: $1,500