Tel Aviv Stamps - Auction #47

Dear friends and collectors,

Welcome to our 47th auction. The results of our January 2019 Sale were excellent and prove the steady demand for better Holy Land items. View the Prices Realized list on the website.

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Many more images are shown on the website, these could not be included in the hard copy.

The Auction has most specialties well represented. Especially noteworthy are the sections of Holy Land Forerunners, Jewish Colonies, Mandate Stamps & used abroad, 1948 Interim, Doar Ivri, 1948 1st Festivals, 1950 1st Air Mail, Zionist Congresses & Holocaust mail.

We are proud to offer, for the 1st time, the collection: Israel 1948 – 1952 Plate Blocks on FDCs.

Please FAX or E-mail your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX, or E-mail & telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets.

With all good and sincere wishes,


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Lot #: 271

1948 Broadway Color Trial for the 1948 Doar Ivri 20 mils in Blue printed for security reasons at the Ha'aretz Press in Tel Aviv. Part of sheet with 2 vertical blocks from the right lower corner of the sheet. (original sheet contains 15 blocks of Broadway cigarette wrapper images). Completely Imperforate; full original gum, light toning, horizontal fold at bottom margin, fine & scarce, certif Tsachor-Aloni

Start: $400 Sold For: $725
Lot #: 272

5m (#2)  plate block of 8 Bale grp. 20  #6655. On Thin Yellow paper, completely Imperforated; u/m, few spots of toning on gum side. Bale 2-Imp. $2500 for pl bl of 4, f-vf, certif Tsachor-Aloni

Start: $800 Sold For: $2,200
Lot #: 273

20m - Doar Ivri final proof, accepted design, but in Bright Ultramarine from the 1 sheet w/the Red slug, Left marginal Tabblock of 4, blank tabs; u/m, vf & Very Rare, Ba #ED.39b2 in tabblock appx. $ 2500

Start: $600 Sold For: $1,100
Lot #: 275

500m (#8) Imperforate single left marginal w/Tab in the final issued color & the issued paper; u/m, scattered spots, f-vf & Rare, Ba 8-Imp - $4000, certif Tsachor

Start: $600 Sold For: $950
Lot #: 276

1948 Official 3 - 1000m (#1/9) Publicity Leaflet - PROOF IMPRESSION (large margins) showing all 9 values, 5m cut out, on White ungummed paper w/o serial no.; vf, ex O. Wallish files, certif Muentz 

Start: $180 Buy


Lot #: 277

3 - 10m Rouletted Tabs registered FDC stps tied to cv by 2 Mandate type FD pmks REGISTERED / PETAH TIQVA 16 MY 48  repeated on back; vf, Ba $550, signed Tsachor-Aloni

Start: $160 Buy
Lot #: 278

4 different perforations on 1 cv: 3-50m (#1/6) set of 6 w/Tabs on private addressed FDC QIRYAT HAIM 16 MAY 48 reintroduced Mandate pmk. Perforations: 3m - 10x11, 10m - Rouletted, 15m - 10¾,  5, 20 & 50 - 11; cleverly cleaned o/w vf, such a comb. very Rarely offered, certif. Tsachor

Start: $200 Sold For: $320
Lot #: 279

15m (#4e) Perf 10¾ right marginal Tab single; u/m, vf, Ba $700

Start: $160 Buy
Lot #: 280

15m perf 10¾  vertical pair w/tab type 2 Imperforate Between Stp & Tab; u/m, tiny wrinkle base of tab, vf, exceptionally well centered for this perf, Ba FCV39 - $2000

Start: $400 Buy
Lot #: 281

50m Perf 10x10, perf 10 also at base of Tab prepared for the Minister Sheets; w/o gum, fine, Ba 6f - $2800 + premium for perf 10 at base (most of 10x10 stps are offcentered)

Start: $280 Buy

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