THE M. HA'AM PERIOD: NACHLAT YEHUDA Registered #0108 properly frank cv 25m M. Ha'am stps (Ba #2 + 36b + 40b) tied by 2 M. Ha'am pmks in Black repeated twice on back, TLV 18.5.1948 trilingual pmk tying 5m M. Ha'am stp (escaped canceling at Nachlat Yehuda), repeated on back as arr pmk; vf & Rare as less than 10 cvs Recorded from N. Yehuda, signed Tsachor

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Civilian Parcel Card P.T. 238 used during M. Ha'am period sent 6 MAY 1948 from Tel-Mond to besieged Jerusalem, properly franked 2x50m Hula stp (v. scarce use of the Ba #4) tied by M. Ha'am TEL-MOND pmk repeated on back, eventually arrived in Jerusalem, Hebrew note: "Apply to Rehavia Post" & signed by the addressee when collected; horiz fold away from the stps, vf & Rare as less than 10 parcel cards used M. Ha'am period recorded & unusual from a small settlement to a besieged city, signed Tsachor
Nahalal "Emergency Post" - the only REGISTERED EXPRESS M. Ha'am cv sent locally correctly frank 65m Mandate stps (15+50m) ovptd "Emergency Post Nahalal" tied by M. Ha'am Nahalal pmks in Violet repeated twice on back, registry label "No 1001"; vf, of philatelic origin, signed Tsachor, see NRNS p. 250
BESIEGED SETTLEMENTS: Besieged Gush Etzion 15 AP 48 Flown cv from Gush Etzion, return address: "Infirmary Kfar Etzion", the settlements were under siege as of Jan 48, air strip was in service as of Feb 7, the Gush surrendered to the Jordanian Legion on 13 May 1948. The cv franked a JNF label not valid for postage & not tied by the Mandate pmk struck upon arrival in TEL AVIV 15 AP 48 is addressed to the supply department of the Sick Fund; vf & Very Rare, Unfranked & delivered in TLV by Jew. postal employees Untaxed, see NRNS p. 189/208, signed Tsachor, certif Tsachor - Aloni
Besieged Ben Shemen: 10.6.48 Flown cv from a soldier, return addr: "Ben Shemen - company Alef". The village was under siege as of April 48 and was serviced by a small air strip, the siege was lifted on July 10. Cv addr to Haifa FLOWN to TLV & handled by Army Post Base A 10 VI 48 pmk on front. Base A was HQ in TLV & the primitive cachet at bottom right means: "Passed Censor"; vert centerfold & top left corner restored, fine & Rare, see NRNS p. 219
Besieged Negev - 2 cvs to Haifa: a) Ex Kibbutz Bror Chail via Nir Am P.O.B. 2040 Tel-Aviv, Courier cv brought to TLV frank there 10m M. Ha'am tied by TLV FD pmk 16.5.1948, the small kibbutz did not have a POB of its own & used a neighboring kibbutz box. Nat. Loan cachet, light soiling; b) Ex kibbutz Mishmar Ha'negev Flown to TLV via kibbutz Ruchama APO #10 11.VIII.48, Unit #279 cachet; both usual centerfolds, a - fine, b - f - vf
2 Courier cvs from the Besieged Negev both to Jerus, both show in return addresses the POBs maintained by the Settlements in TLV: a) Posted by the Courier in TLV during M. Ha'am 5 - 14 MAY Technion stp tied by TLV's M. Ha'am pmk, sender in: "Be'eroth Yitzhak P.O.Box 342 TLV Post"; b) 10m D. Ivri affixed in TEL-AVIV 20.6.1948 sender in: "P.O.Box 972 TLV, Ruchama"; b - vert centerfold - fine, a - vf, scarce pair, both signed Tsachor
Besieged Sodom - Flown cv to Tel-Aviv arrival on face 7.7.1948, return addr: "Post 192, Base 1", front also shows Unit cachets 192 & 216 both allocated to Sodom, the 1st on10 JUNE & the 2nd earlier on 9 MAY; light toning, fine, see story & similar cv in NRNS p. 170/2, unusual to have both unit cachets 192 & 216 on 1 cv
1948 JERUSALEM (incl. local issues, Flown, Couriers, Pmks, etc.)
1948 JERUSALEM (incl. local issues, Flown, Couriers, Pmks, etc.)
Between 2 Postal Authorities - Incoming Mail to Jerusalem during the Siege - 7m Mandate pc entire mailed HAIFA 26 AP 48 to Prof. S. Yevin who marked it: "Received 12.5.48 Replied 16.5.48", for many years he treated all his corresp. in this manner - enclosed 2 addit pcs w/same remarks. The pc probably reached Jerus w/one of the last British shipments and was delayed at the Head Post Office as British intercity services stopped on 26 AP 48. Delivered by the M. Ha'am that started their services on 9 MAY; vf Rarity, illust. in JSPS p. 41