Tel Aviv Stamps - Auction #44

Dear friends and collectors,

Welcome to our 44th auction. The attached Prices Realized list of our 9 November 2016 sale demonstrates another set of excellent results. There is a continuing strong demand for better and specialized material.

We are proud to offer the following collections in the coming auction:  





Also included: Foreign Countries, Foreign P. Offices, Palestine stamps,

1948 Interim, Israel FDCs, 1948 1st Festivals, Judaica & The Dreyfus Affair & more.


Please FAX your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX and telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets.

For the convenience of our clients in the Metropolitan New York area Dr. Arthur Groten is available to accept bids and consignments by phone

845-471-4179 or e-mail [email protected]

Consignments can also be submitted by Mr. Gary Theodore, office phone

732-229-5310, cell 732-996-0520 or e-mail [email protected],

Fax: 732-229-4805


With all good and sincere wishes,


YACOV TSACHOR  - Director & Philatelist

ZVI ALONI  - Philatelist

Showing 41 - 50 items of 729

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Lot #: 41

6/1914 cv Derazhnya - Russia to "Col. Jemma pres Tiberias - Palestina" (now Yavne'el) franked on back 3 & 7 Kop stps, transit Istanbul & the Haifa Russian Post - KAIFA - ROPIT 16.6.14 (St. #613), as no Russian Post in Tiberias transferred to the Turkish Post - CAIFFA 2 - 28.6.14 (PM11) & arrival TIBERIADE 1.7.914 (PM5) all on back; cv roughly opened at top & restored, fine & Rare

Start: $400 Sold For: $675
Lot #: 42

1910/12 KAIFA - ROPIT (St. #612) - 2 mailed pcs:

a) 20.4.1910 Printed-Matter ppc (Colony Ness Ziona) to Paris franked 10pa on 2 kop Russian Levant stp, transit Port Said,

a scarce destination by the Russian Post; b) 10.8.1912 20pa on 4 kop Russian Levant Postal Card to Jaffa, sender has return address of Colony Merchavya, arrival pmk JAFFA - ROPIT on face, 2 restored filing holes at base; fine (x2)

[PC] [PPC]
Start: $300 Sold For: $685


Lot #: 43

CAIFA - (PM 4) full clear strike in Blue on 20 pa postal stationery card mailed to Germany, message in German dated Caifa 12.9.85 by the British Vice Consul, Turk. transit & German arrival pmks; vf for this difficult pmk, Collins: "7 items recorded"

Start: $500 Buy
Lot #: 44

HAIFA POSTA SHUBESI 1287 (PM 3) in Violet clear Negative Seal on 20 pa Turkish postal stationery card to Germany, message dated 30.1.1898, arrival pmk on front COBURG 1 - 8.2.98; few light peripheral wrinkles, f - vf & Rare, signed Nakri & Tsachor, certif Muentz

Start: $3,000 Buy
Lot #: 45

HAIFA POSTA SHUBESI 1287  (PM 3) in Violet clear Negative Seal on Nazareth - Gruss Aus ppc tying 20 pa Turkish stp, mailed to Austria c/o Thomas Cook & Sons travel Agency Wien their Haifa oval 9.5.98 cachet on front, transit ALEXANDRIA 12.V.98 & WIEN arrival pmks, short message dated 5.5.98; top left & bottom right light corner creases, f - vf & Rare, certif Tsachor - Aloni

Start: $2,200 Buy
Lot #: 46

Mis-Cut Turkish 20 pa postal stationery of the 1892 issue from Haifa to Beirut, mailed in the Austrian Post & cancelled by "CAIFA OESTER... POST" (St #505) 19 Sept. 1898 arrival BEIRUT 20 Sept. 1898, 1 of the very few known Turkish postal stationery items mailed through the Austrian P.O. in Palestine without due charges; vf, certif Muentz

Start: $300 Buy
Lot #: 47

HAIFFA (PM6) vf pmk 1901 tying 2pi Turkish stp to commerc registered cv w/regist cachet RC-1 #1222, 1 of the earliest recorded Haifa regist cvs - the 3rd item listed by Collins; small bottom margin tear away from stp & pmk, f - vf

Start: $300 Buy
Lot #: 48

10.8.1902 registered double weight cv sent by "Augusto Parodi - Caifa" mailed to Hamburg, franked on back, 4 color Turkish franking - 10 stps: 4x5pa + 4x10pa + 20pa + 1pi total 3pi: 1pi basic rate + 1pi addit weight + 1pi Registration fee all tied by HAIFFA 10.8.902 pmk (PM 7), UPU R cachet #450 (RC 1) - this on front, Hamburg 20.8.02 arrival pmk on back; light peripheral creases, f - vf early regist. cv

Start: $600 Buy
Lot #: 49

2/1913 commerc printed announcement sent locally in Haifa franked 2pa stp to pay the publication rate tied by CAIFFA 2 - 3-2-13 (PM 11) pmk, inside has 2pa Fiscal stp tied by typographed print; pin point spots, f - vf

Start: $300 Sold For: $300
Lot #: 50

"CAIFFA 2" Octagonal (PM 13) light impression tying 10pa revenue stp to telegram receipt for 51pi, dated 13.7.1913; centerfold & 2 closed tears at top margins, fine, pmk Very Rare as only 3 receipts recorded - no cvs

Start: $400 Buy