Tel Aviv Stamps - Auction #47

Dear friends and collectors,

Welcome to our 47th auction. The results of our January 2019 Sale were excellent and prove the steady demand for better Holy Land items. View the Prices Realized list on the website.

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Many more images are shown on the website, these could not be included in the hard copy.

The Auction has most specialties well represented. Especially noteworthy are the sections of Holy Land Forerunners, Jewish Colonies, Mandate Stamps & used abroad, 1948 Interim, Doar Ivri, 1948 1st Festivals, 1950 1st Air Mail, Zionist Congresses & Holocaust mail.

We are proud to offer, for the 1st time, the collection: Israel 1948 – 1952 Plate Blocks on FDCs.

Please FAX or E-mail your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX, or E-mail & telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets.

With all good and sincere wishes,


Showing 81 - 90 items of 499

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Lot #: 81

JERUSALEM 4 - Octagonal (PM 24, A&P 24) 4 pmks in Black 28 2 13 tying 40pa (8x5pa) Turkish stps to CASA NOVA JERUSALEM illust. cv mailed to Boston USA, part of Peabody correspondence, incl content; vf & Very Rare, pmk missing from most collections, A&P rated  RRR, certif Tsachor-Aloni

Start: $500 Sold For: $650
Lot #: 82

11/1914 Registered postcard from Jerusalem to Switzerland, franked 60 para Turkish stamps to pay the registered postcard rate. Canceled “Jerusalem 6” Octag. (PM26) 28.11.14 postmark, at top left “R” boxed  registration cachet (RC4) and “4390” in manuscript. Rectangular negative seal censor cachet (CM1) alongside. On face, arrival Geneve 13.12.14; vf & very scarce

Start: $200 Buy
Lot #: 83

JERUSALEM 5 Octagonal (PM25) vf pmks 15.11.15 tying 3x20pa Turkish stps + 20 pa imprint total of 2 pi. to Registered cv mailed to Leipzig, Registry number #2051 in manuscript, Turkish & Austrian censors and transit Beyrouth + a special German Registry label "Bahnpost 5" on front,  Breslau - Oderberg train & Borna arr pmks on back; vf

Start: $200 Sold For: $200
Lot #: 84

4 CASA NOVA JERUSALEM illust. cvs mailed to Boston USA, all are from the Peabody correspondence, 3/w  contents, all franked correct 40pa rate made by multiples of low value Turkish stps tied by: JERUSALEM 6 - Octagonal (PM 19, A&P 26)  14.2.14, JERUSALEM 1 - (PM 15, A&P 15) ,  JERUSALEM 2 - (PM 16, A&P 16) 1.3.13 & 2.3.13; f-vf (x4)

Start: $300 Buy
Lot #: 85

Jerusalem 2 items: a) JERUSALEM(GARE) (PM1) 15.4.910 tying 20pa Turkish stp to ppc to Germany, certif Tsachor; b) QUART ISRAELITE (PM7) tying 10pa Turkish stps to Printed Matter pc to Germany dated 8 May 1916, censored; f-vf (x2)

[PC] [PPC]
Start: $180 Buy
Lot #: 86

MEO CHAREM (PM1) full vf pmk 17-6-17 on 10c Swiss Answer part pc entire mailed to St. Gallen, Istanbul transit & 2 diff. Turkish censor cachets all on face; bottom right corner bend, vf

Start: $200 Buy
Lot #: 87

PETAH TIKWA  (Collins PM1) 29.2.1916 vf pmk in violet on face, 31 January 1916 Swiss 10pf imptd  commerc. postcard Lausanne to  Petah Tiqva - Jaffa, transit Galata 9.2.1916, Redirected to El Boqua - (Syrie) by the Turkish post via DAMAS; vf , unusual P. Tikwa pmk on a Swiss stp

Start: $400 Sold For: $1,400
Lot #: 88

BUR. AMB. JAFFA-JERUSALEM 1 (RP5) vf pmk in light Blue tying 10pa Turkish stp to ppc at Printed Matter rate, variety: Without Date Block, German arrival pmk MUENCHEN 2 - 5 APR 05, very early date of use; small rubbed place on pict side, f-vf, certif Muentz 

Start: $220 Buy


Lot #: 89

Free Civilian Mail: APO SZ44 20 DE 17 (full pmk - the earliest recorded to the USA) on imptd Jerusalem civilian cv to Suffolk New York, 2 censor labels #4960 on back; back split from front, fine & Rare, Firebrace lists 4 Free Mail cvs to the USA 

Start: $300 Sold For: $1,500
Lot #: 90

Free Civilian Mail: APO SZ 44  1 FE 18 pmk on imptd Jerusalem cv to Chicago, Redirected to Uddevalla - Sweden without extra charge, arrival pmk on back UDDEVALLA / TUR 24 3 18; vert centerfold, fine & Rare, Firebrace lists 4 other "Free" cvs to the USA, this being Latest Known Date  

Start: $700 Sold For: $2,400