Tel Aviv Stamps - Auction #50

Dear friends and collectors,

This is our GOLD auction as it contains our 50th sale.
The results of our previous auction, held on 16 February 2021 during the
Covid-19 Era, were excellent. We hope that the current sale will also arouse a
great interest.

We offer a Rare Doar Ivri Plate Blocks selection but special heed should be
paid to the Turkish Post, Jewish Colonies, Palestine stamps, Israel 1st
 Postage Dues, Autographs
and Palestine Banknotes.

This auction can be viewed only at You can browse all the
sections of the catalogue at your convenience.
Many more images are shown on the website, these could not be included in
the hard copy.

Please FAX or E-mail your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to
include their FAX or E-mail & telephone numbers on their bid sheets.
With all good and sincere wishes,


Showing 21 - 30 items of 428

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Lot #: 21

1917 Registered Official cv postage free, sent by the Chief paymaster of the Austrian Mountain Howitzer Marno, pmk FELDPOST MIL... MISS... JERUSALEM (St. 255) 28-7-1917 and registration label same text (St. label d - +$900) no. 168, back w/sending unit seal, mailed to the War Finance / Ministry of War Wien; small margin tear at right, f-vf & Rare, certif. Tsachor-Aloni

Start: $900 Sold For: $1,200
Lot #: 22

1918 Registered Official cv postage free, sent from the supply depot in the Communication Center to Field Hospital no. 28, pmk Deutsche Feldpost 663 (St. 281) 15.6.18 in Nazareth, Rare registered label Deutsche Feldpost 663 #477 (St. +$750) back also shows sender's seal; roughly opened back flap, fine & Very Scarce

Start: $800 Sold For: $900
Lot #: 23

RUSSIAN POST: 1910  Registered cv (front only), Jaffa, to Budapest frank Rusian Levant ovptd "Jaffa" stps, 5pa on 1kp x2, 10pa on 2kp, 20pa on 4kp & 1pi on 10kp (Mi 39/42IV) total of 2pi the proper rate all tied by 2 vf pmks in Violet ROPiT JAFFA (St. 633) 17 VII 1910, Rare registered label type E rated R ($2500-5000); fine

Start: $300 Sold For: $330
Lot #: 24

18.8.1912 KAIFA ROPIT (St 612) arrival pmk on back of a pc from Odessa - Russia 28.7.1912 (stp off) sent by Dr Joseph Klausner to "Z. Sehapiro, Lehrer (teacher) Zichron Jacob bei Caifa (Palestine) Turkey", text in Hebrew, patriotic encouragement words for the young people of Zichron & the Hebrew language; fine & Rare

Start: $400 Sold For: $800


Lot #: 25

20.12.1917 BENI SAAB Provisional 5pa tied to Printed Matter Wrapper by superb strike of FPO 46 pmk (unit stationed at Tul Karem), addr to another Army regiment, censored on back; light usual creases at left & back small tear but cpl, f-vf, of philatelic origin 

Start: $250 Buy
Lot #: 26

BETHLEHEM - Registered ppc from Bethlehem to Prag franked 100 para (Michel  288): 30 para postcard rate  + 50 para registration fee (20 para overfranked), tied by  BEIT UL LAHEM (PM2)  20.12.16 postmark, Registry boxed cachet "Teahudli R" (RC3 - 3 items recorded) 397 in manuscript. Front shows JERUSALEM 2 - 22.12.16 transit & 2 censor marks, on back BEYROUTH 31.12.16 transit postmark; vf  & scarce registered ppc 

Start: $1,200 Sold For: $1,800
Lot #: 27

BON SAMARITAIN (PM1) vf Violet pmk 16.11.905 tying 20pa Turkish stp to ppc (Jordan River) to England, message in English dated Jericho 15 Nov 05, transit JAFFA - JEROUSALEM  (RP7) TPO pmk 17.11.905, in Dark Red; vf

Start: $150 Sold For: $250
Lot #: 28

GAZA POSTA SHUBESI 1287 (PM2) vf & very clear strike of this Very Rare Seal in Blue on 20pa Turkish pc entire 1885 issue mailed to Beirut, GAZA pmk (PM3) alongside  11 AVR 91; bottom left corner fold, o/w vf  Showpiece, according to Collins 6 entire items recorded, rated RR, certif Ziya Agaogullari, certif Tsachor-Aloni

Start: $1,200 Sold For: $1,900
Lot #: 29

HAIFA POSTA SHUBESI 1287 (PM3) fine strike in Violet of the Rare Seal tying 1pi 1892 issue stp to cv, mailed to France, on back transit ALEXANDRIE  23 VI 97 & arrival ROANNE 29 JUIN 97 pmk; cv cross folded, roughly opened at bottom & restored, (Coll rated $2500), fine, certif Ziya Agaogullari, certif Tsachor-Aloni

Start: $700 Sold For: $700
Lot #: 30

1909 Printed-Matter - Banque Imperiale Ottomane Caiffa printed notice to the bank's branch in Dedeagatch frank on back 5pa stp (Mi 134) tied by pmk in Blue HAIFFA 7 5 909 (PM8) arr pmk 7 6 909, also the bank's seal on back; typical horiz fold, f - vf & scarce

Start: $250 Sold For: $250