Tempel Kolonie Hamidije - Wilhelma Deut. Post (St. 242) superb strike in Violet on 10c on 10pf pc w/Paid answer pc (Mi P18) attached ex JAFFA DEUT. POST (St. 224) 25 3 10 arrival TEGEL 5 4 10 on face, answer part mailed w/dispatched card 6.4.10 to Poste Restante (Postlagend) but Returned to Tegel on 8.4.10; vf & unusual
Dear friends and collectors,
Welcome to our 52nd auction. The results of our 51st auction, which can be viewed on our website were excellent and show a stable market eager for better items in most specialties.
This is our last auction. During the past 33 years we have dealt with hundreds of vendors and serviced thousands of bidders worldwide. We thank all for the full trust they have given us.
We are also very proud of helping build many collections, some of which reached the highest levels in international shows.
It is with great sorrow that we remember the untimely demise of Zvi Aloni z.l.
Zvi died on September 10 2022, at the age of 74, after a short cancer illness.
He will be greatly missed by his family and many friends.
May he rest in peace.
This auction is highlighted by 2 Large Gold Medals collections: Holyland Forerunners (incl. Colonies) part 2 and 1948 Doar Ivri.
Other specialties are well represented culminating with a fine section of banknotes.
With all good and sincere wishes,
Yacov Tsachor
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2-7-01 JERUSALEM DEUTSCHE POST Registered cv frank 1889 issue 5 diff. stps: 10pa on 5pf, 20pa on 10pf, 1¼ pi on 25pf, 2½ pi on 50pf & 5pi on 1M (Mi #6/7, 9/10 & 20I), DRIEBERG 15 July arrival pmk; small bottom margin tear, f - vf
8/1918 big size Registered cv (24x16cm) Haifa to the German WWI Military HQ Command, dispatch pmk Deut. Feldpost 365 31.7.18 (St. 262) w/Registered label: "Deutsche Feldpost 365 # 746" (Unlisted by Steichele) & unit cachet "Kais. Deut. Feldpost No. 663", arrival pmk 18.8.18; vert centerfold & peripheral creases, fine & Very Rare, certif Tsachor
1889 cv Jaffa to Magdeburg frank for double weight 14kp (7x2kp) tied by clear pmks ROPIT JAFFA 6 APR 899 (St. 630) via ALEXANDRIE 19 IV 99 & arrival 29 4 99; light vert. centerfold before franking, f - vf
1899 Registered cv from JAFFA w/a pair of Russian Levant 10 Kop. stamps tied on reverse by clear pmk ROPIT/JAFFA 3 MAR 1899 (St.629 - repeated alongside) and large circular framed "R" (St. 639) plus manuscript #169 Blue crayon on face, transits ODESSA 12 III 1899 & STAVROPOL 20 III 1899, marked in Purple ink "Addressee unknown", a new "R" w/Blue number & "RETOUR", 1 line "REGISTERED" on face, backstamped during the return trip ODESSA 19 V 1899, ROPIT/CONST'PLE 23 MAI & 25 MAI, ROPIT/JAFFA 1 JUN 1899 in Blue; back flap reinforced w/hinges, fine scarce early mail
1902 Registered cv Jaffa to Leipzig franked 6x4pa on 1kp (error of ovpt sold for 5pa so 6x5pa = 30pa) + 10pa on 2kp + 1pi on 10kp total correct 2pi (2x5pa on back), all tied by vf pmks JAFFA ROPIT (St. 631) 30 MAR 1902, boxed EINSCHREIBEN & No. 91 in manscpt, Alexandrie 13-4-02 & arrival 23-4, sent by Aberle - Jaffa (bottom left), a known dealer; vf
1905 registered cv Jerusalem to Russia frank on back 2x1pi on 10kp, correct rate, tied by vf pmk in Violet JERUSALEM ROPIT (St. 642) 25 II 1905 Regist label type I (St +2500) but no. crossed out and handstamped 1525 - Unlisted!, wax seal on back; opened for display & shortened 1cm, regist label corner fault, fine
1911 Russian Bulletin d'expedition parcel weight 5Kg & 100gr from Jaffa to Jerus, frank on back 65pa (13x5pa) 1910 ovpt issue on 1Kop Orange, stps cancelled JAFFA ROPIT 3.VI.1911 (St. 633) & arrival pmk JERUSALEM ROPIT 17.VI.1911 (St. 646); fine Unusual domestic mailing (parcel collected by A. Azriel - Jerus)