Current Auction

Dear friends and collectors,

Welcome to our 52nd auction. The results of our 51st auction, which can be viewed on our website were excellent and show a stable market eager for better items in most specialties.

This is our last auction. During the past 33 years we have dealt with hundreds of vendors and serviced thousands of bidders worldwide. We thank all for the full trust they have given us.
We are also very proud of helping build many collections, some of which reached the highest levels in international shows.

It is with great sorrow that we remember the untimely demise of Zvi Aloni z.l.
Zvi died on September 10 2022, at the age of 74, after a short cancer illness.
He will be greatly missed by his family and many friends.
May he rest in peace.

This auction is highlighted by 2 Large Gold Medals  collections: Holyland Forerunners (incl. Colonies) part 2  and 1948 Doar Ivri.
Other specialties are well represented culminating with a fine section of banknotes.

With all good and sincere wishes,

Yacov Tsachor


Showing 21 - 30 items of 357

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Lot #: 21

9/1921 original photo Mikveh Israel - agriculture lesson, caption in Hebrew in the film, 15x11cm mounted on card; light rubbing in places, fine

Start: $220 Sold For: $400
Lot #: 22

Milhamiya - ex Yakaterinoslav 4.8.1905 3Kp imptd Russian pc w/1Kp stp added for mailing abroad, via Odessa 6.8 & ROPIT KONSTPEL 11.8.905. Message in Hebrew by David Rudin to Ch. Shoham informing that a group of Chalutzim is coming to the Colony and requesting not to hire Arab workers until the group arrives; vert centerfold & other light faults, fine & v. scarce

Start: $400 Sold For: $3,150
Lot #: 23

Petah Tiqva via Jaffa Suk - 29 Mai 1901 imptd 20pa pc written in Petah Tikwah cancelled "JAFFA SUK" (PM9), message by S. Lifschitz in French requesting a priced catalogue for grains, mailed to Paris, Galata - Depart 11.6.1901 transit; vf, Very Rare pmk on outgoing colony's mail

Start: $500 Sold For: $1,300
Lot #: 24

PETAH TIKWAH PER OSTERR. POST (St.705) vf cachet in Violet on 10c Austrian pc entire via JAFFA OESTERR. POST 3 2 09 (St. 525) arrival JERUSALEM OSTERR. Post 4.II.09 (St. 549) all on face, message in German to Erlanger - Hotel Kaminitz; vf

Start: $400 Sold For: $1,100
Lot #: 25

1909 PETAH TIKWAH PER OSTERR. POST (St. 705) vf strike German / Hebrew in Violet, very clear, w/Magen David in center & the word "ZION" in Hebrew added by the sender. Austrian pc entire 10c on 10H pmkd JAFFA OSTERR... POST (St. 526) 9.11.09, message 7.II.09 in the Colony mailed to Luzern; bottom left corner fold not detracting from this vf & beautiful card, certif Tsachor

Start: $600 Sold For: $2,900
Lot #: 26

Petah Tiqva - 2 items of philatelic origin each frank 14pa local stp tied by a vf local cachet: a) Ppc of "Saron", cachet St. 705 large David Shield addressed to Washington - U.S.A.; b) Cv (back flap off) cachet St. 706 small Shield w/Zion addr. to Luzern; f - vf (x2)

[PPC] [] [CV]
Start: $400 Sold For: $1,300
Lot #: 27

Colony Rehoboth - 21.1.1903 Austrian Levant 20 para imptd pc to Berlin, message in Hebrew by Israel Teller, 1st Aliyah author and teacher in the Colony. Written in "REHOBOT Be'eretz Hakodesh (in the Holy Land)", via Austrian Post "JAFFA OESTERR... POST" ( St.525 pmk), Berlin arrival pmk 30.1.1903; vf & scarce

Start: $350 Sold For: $525
Lot #: 28

"RISCHON le Sion pres Jaffa - 28 OCT 97" message in French mailed to Belfort - France, scarce destination from RLZ, a Rare ppc Heinrich Loewe - Jatfa edit. showing views of Rishon, Rechob. & Jaffa frank 20pa on 5Kr cancelled JAFFA OSTERR. POST 29 10 97 (St. 524) arrival 8 NOV 97; closed tear top left o/w vf & early

Start: $350 Sold For: $625
Lot #: 29

Richon Le Zion - 20pa imptd Turk. pc sent to David Judilovitz in the colony, message in Hebrew written in Jerusalem mailed in JAFFA (PM8) MAR 10 98 vf pmk; vf

Start: $300 Sold For: $470
Lot #: 30

29.5.1903 Austrian 5 H imptd pc Wien (15.03) to M. Freymann Rischon le Zion Palestina via Aust. Post JAFFA (St. 525) 5 6 03;vf

Start: $300 Sold For: $1,600