Austrian Free Mail in the Jaffa District to Rischon le-Zion - Official stationery of Rabbi A. J. Kuck (in Hebrew & German "Grossrabbi der Isr. Gemeinden Jaffa und Colonien") mailed from Jaffa on 27.03.1906, cancelled by Austrian Post pmk JAFFA OSTERR... POST (St. 526) to the Jewish Colony addressed to Rabbi Yosef Halevi, the Kosher inspector in the "Rischon le-Zion Winery" (written in Hebrew); bottom light corner tear & vert. centerfold, fine, scarce stationery
Dear friends and collectors,
Welcome to our 52nd auction. The results of our 51st auction, which can be viewed on our website were excellent and show a stable market eager for better items in most specialties.
This is our last auction. During the past 33 years we have dealt with hundreds of vendors and serviced thousands of bidders worldwide. We thank all for the full trust they have given us.
We are also very proud of helping build many collections, some of which reached the highest levels in international shows.
It is with great sorrow that we remember the untimely demise of Zvi Aloni z.l.
Zvi died on September 10 2022, at the age of 74, after a short cancer illness.
He will be greatly missed by his family and many friends.
May he rest in peace.
This auction is highlighted by 2 Large Gold Medals collections: Holyland Forerunners (incl. Colonies) part 2 and 1948 Doar Ivri.
Other specialties are well represented culminating with a fine section of banknotes.
With all good and sincere wishes,
Yacov Tsachor
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RISCHON LE ZION Bei Jaffa Palestina Durch Deutsche Post (St. 247) full cachet in Violet on pc to D. Idelovich in Alexandria, imptd 20pa stp pmkd JAFFA DEUT. POST 28.1.08, message in Hebrew; vf
LATVIA (Libau) to Rischon-le-Zion via Odessa 19-4-12 ppc message by ill daughter to parents, in Hebrew, arrival pmk is unusual ROPIT JAFFA 4 V 1912 not the regular Turk. Post; vf
Richon Le Sion - scarce incoming during WWI - Swiss imptd 10pf pc from Geneva 24.IV.15 to Shoulamit Lewine (one of the founders families) message in French, via BEYROUTH 13 7-5-18 Turk Post & scarce Jerusalem large circle censor cachet (Collins CM2) all on face; light margin faults, f - vf
Rare: Rosch Pinah - M. Neiger Pharmacie - imptd envelope mailed Registered SAFED (PM4) full pmk NOV 14 95 in Blue tying 2x1pi Turk. stps to back of cv, RECOMMANDEE (RC1) boxed regist cachet (1 cv recorded & manscpt 1323) mailed to London arrival 27 NO 95 on back which also shows a wax seal; bottom left small corner fold, f - vf, illust. in Aloni - Hackmey p. 327, certif Tsachor
ROSCH PINNA (PM1) 3 fine strikes in Violet tying correct 50pa franking to Galata 7/1918 arrival on back, censored; fine
24.2.1915 USA 1c imptd pc uprated w/1c stp mailed Newark - N. J. to Agronom Uria Feldman, Turk. Beirut censor cachet on face, pc addressed to him c/o "Agudat Netaim", of which he was the manager, in Sedjera (Tiberiade crossed out); folded both ways, complete, fine
Rarity: Colony YEHUD - 11.4.1889 Austrian Imptd 20 para pc sent by Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Jaffe in the Jewish Colony of Yehud, near Petah Tikva. This was one of the first Jewish Colonies to be established in Palestine, in 1882, abandoned in 1893. Message in Hebrew, written in Yehud (top left, in Hebrew, along with date) requesting Dr. Rabbi Berliner to send books, which were pre-paid, to Mr. Lewi in Jaffa "for Rabbi M. G. Jaffe in Yehud", via JAFFA, Austrian Post (St. 523), arrival Berlin 20/4 on face. This is the only item known to us from this tiny (6 houses) and short-lived Jewish Colony; vf
1885 (Sept. 28) early 5sld imptd pc written in Zichron Jacob by Abramovici to Machanek in Wien via Port Said 2 OC 85, imptd stp pmkd CAIFA (St. 503) 30 9 85, no post office yet in Zichron; vf & Rare
Jaffa (St. 301) vf cpl strike of the cursive pmk on a complete letter written in Jaffa on 4 May 1853 to Marseille, manuscript "20" (decimes) for double rate, via Beyrouth (St. 300.2) 5 MAI 53 transit on back & Marseille arrival 25 MAI 53 also on back. Cv was forwarded from Beyrouth to Constantinople, from there carried by the ship Crisis that arrived in Marseille on 25 MAI; usual horiz. fold, vf & Rare, certif Robinaux & Tsachor